I hope that you are all doing well. Thirteen of you completed the survey that I sent out. If you didn’t complete it, but still want to, you can find it at https://forms.gle/vgadmjdgR5BYFa3T9. In the survey, you all made a number of comments. Thank you for sharing some of the challenges of in-person classes. I know that for all of you, you will not be able to attend all of the time. The majority of you did say that you would want to attend class in person either almost always or most of the time. This means, as long as we are able to this semester, we will continue to meet in person. Students who aren’t able to attend in-person will still be able to attend via Zoom in real time. I do not mark anybody down points for whether they are in-person or online. If you aren’t able to attend in general, you can email/text me and let me know. You can see some of the results of the survey below:
I look forward to see you all either online or via Zoom.
The focus of week five for SOWK 486 is on communication skill/s. There are many what Hepworth et al. (2017) term as discrete verbal following skills. Rogers (1957), who developed the concept of person-centered counseling, described what he called the facilitative condition. This includes empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence. He proposed that when clinicians can maintain these aspects, they can support and help promote positive changes in their clients. The plan for today is to talk about the core skills that help clinicians help their clients. The plan is as follows:
Being able to have cultural humility is an important aspect of our communication. I really value the concept of cultural humility. I think this 30-minute documentation is a great video and would recommend you take the opportunity to watch and consider it.
During class, we listen to a short excerpt from Brené Brown’s TED talk, The Power of Vulnerability. The whole thing is great and would recommend it if you are interested. It also gives a good example of qualitative research. It is about 20 minutes.
In the excerpt we use, she talks about Wiseman (2007) and her definition of empathy. You can read the article:
Wiseman, T. (2007). Toward a holistic conceptualization of empathy for nursing practice. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(3), E61–E72. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ANS.0000286630.00011.e3
You can find all of the presentations that I’ve done at presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. The slides for this week, Week 06 - Communication Skills
View SOWK 486 - Week 05 - Communication Skills.
Attend class, either in person or via zoom. If you can’t attend, let me know.
Do the reading quiz before class on Monday. Chapters five and six this week. Please don’t stress too much about these. Maybe connect with people in the class to do it together, read the questions before doing the reading… etc. It will be alright and all have this.