SOWK 487 Class Header

MyHeritage Sylabus Presentations Emails

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week eight focused on three types of groups and relating them to the task they are attempting to address. In this week’s readings, Kurtz (2017) discusses support and self-help groups, Root (2017) explains some of the considerations around psychoeducational groups, and Marshiglia and Kiehne (2017) dive into an example of prevention groups. The agenda for class today includes the following:


Kurtz, L. F. (2017). Chapter 09 - Support and self-help groups. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 155-170). The Guilford Press.

Root, J. (2017). Chapter 10 - Psychoeducational groups. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 171-185). The Guilford Press.

Marsiglia, F. F., & Kiehne, E. (2017). Chapter 11 - Social work with groups and drug abuse prevention with youth: Rich history and untapped potential. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 186-200). The Guilford Press.

Unit Resources

You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 9-11

This week we will be doing an activity that is frequently done during the first week of Guiding Good Choices, the evidence-based parenting curriculum that you looked at last week. We will take volunteers to read a minor script and talk through what the activity looks like in person. You can see the download at GGC’s A Risk and Protective Factor Sculpture

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Week 07 - Group Practice Models - Cognitive Behavioral Group Work

View SOWK 487 - Week 08 - Group Work Approaches Related to Purpose.

Unit Assignments

A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement

Attend Class

A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement

Meta: Points 5 points (1.25% of your final grade); Deadline Sunday 03/07/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via Flipgrid at W-08 “Impact of psychoeducation”

Purpose: This activity will allow students to hear examples of what psychoeducational groups they have been informally participating in.

Task: Students will post a short video to Flipgrid of some psychoeducational group they have been involved with. Root (2017) defines

Psychoeducation represents the simultaneous process of educating learners about a particular social problem or issue while attending to the psychological impacts of said issue (i.e., feelings, consequences, possibilities) on group participants (Para. 1, “Definition and Terminology”).

Within the realm of psychoeducation, there are many topics they might have had teaching about. Perhaps some of this has happened within your social work classes (but if possible, it would be preferable to relate to other previous experiences). Share about the group and its impact on you. For students who are unsure about having participated in a group that fits roughly in the context of psychoeducation, talk about what type of group you would want to participate in and why.

Criterion for Success: Students will post a short video about an experience with a psychoeducational group or what they wish they could participate in.

To Do Lists