Have a wonderful thanksgiving. I pushed the final paper to be due next week.
Week 14 is meant to be a light and allow students to enjoy thanksgiving break and prepare for the end of class.
A-01: Class Engagement and Participation
The expectation this week is that you make one reply in the forum Managing Boundaries in Small Communities. There is an optional forum where students can also pose Questions about Final Assignment or Extra Credit Assignments. Other than that, use this week to start working on A-05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper, which is due next week. Also, make sure you enjoy your time off this week!
My lecture video this week, Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Week 14 - Introducing the Final Assignment will hopefully explain what is I am looking for in the final assignment. If you are interested, the Mindmap I used to talk about the statutes is posted as a PDF - Statutes Mindmap and can also be reviewed.
You can ask Questions about Final Assignment or Extra Credit Assignments and that has links to all of the assignments due next week.
Reamer, F. G. (2012). Managing boundaries in small communities. Social Work Today. https://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_012712.shtml