Thanks for joining for class yesterday. Sorry to take a little while to get this out to you all.
Week 16 is the final week of class. We will be reviewing evaluations within group work. The readings for the week include Gant (2017), who helps to describe further what evaluations are for groups. This class session serves as a primer for the second-year BASW program that dives further into research methods. The majority of research methods that look into group work follow a qualitative design method. Preston et al. (2017) help explain some of the methodologies within qualitative research. Finally, Macgowan (2017) explains a specific type of group research design related to intervention research.
The agenda for this week is as follows:
Gant, L. M. (2017). Chapter 29 - Evaluation and research design. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 527-534). The Guilford Press.
Macgowan, M. J. (2017). Chapter 32 - Intervention research in social work with groups. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 565-585). The Guilford Press.
Preston, S., Hughes, J., & Woodford, M. R. (2017). Chapter 31 - Qualitative research. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 549-564). The Guilford Press.
You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 29, 31-32
Please consider completing your Course Evaluation
The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 16 - Group Work Research and Evaluation
View Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 16 - Group Work Research and Evaluation.
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Assignment 03c - Reflective Paper
Meta: Points 100 pts (20% of final grade); Deadline Friday 05/01/22 by 11:55 PM Completion Completed via an upload in assignments on My Heritage. You can also see the assignment handout.
Purpose: Reflecting on an experience can be valuable to demonstrate learning and increase critical thinking skills.
Task: Students will write a reflective paper discussing their experience facilitating the group. It does not need to discuss other team members’ performance. Reflective essays should still follow a research paper’s page formatting and tone but should use first-person voice.
Criterion for Success: Worth 100 points, the reflective paper is an opportunity for each group member to reflect on their experience. The documents should be 500-750 words in length and graded based on the reflective paper rubric. The reflective essay will be submitted on Friday, 04/24/20, before 11:55 pm.
Assignment 05 [Extra Credit]: Group Work and Cultural Competency Opportunities
The faculty for this course offers students two different opportunities for extra credit during this course. The first is a more minor assignment for attending a therapeutic or task group and drafting a reflective paper regarding the experience. The second is a more intensive research paper looking into culturally competent practices in social work. Grades for the assignment will be included in the submission of final course grades, which are required to be posted no later than Wednesday 05/18/22 at 5:00 PM. While extra credit can be given to complete this assignment, the total points in the class are unable to exceed 500 points, and thus any extra credit points gained which go over the total class grade would be not included in the final grade. Late submission is not accepted for this assignment.
Assignment 05a: Group Participation and Reflective Paper
Meta: Points 25 extra credit points (5% of final grade); Deadline Friday 05/06/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion submission via assignments on My Heritage. You can also see the assignment handout.
Purpose: Offer students an assignment to earn extra credit points where they are able to reflect on participation in a group and reflect on the experience through the lens of social work.
Task: The student would participate in a therapeutic or task group and write about their experience. The group would be attending an AA or something similar offered in the community. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, online group options are acceptable. The group can also be a task group, especially a policy-related group (such as a school board meeting). After attending and observing the group, the student will write a short reflective paper.
Criterion for Success: The reflective paper will be approximately 500 to 750 words in length. The report will be graded according to the reflective paper rubric included in the syllabus.
Assignment 05b: Evidence-Based Practices for Culturally Competent Social Work Research Paper
Meta: Points 50 extra credit points (10% of final grade); Deadline Friday 05/06/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion submission via assignments on My Heritage. You can also see the assignment handout.
Purpose: Offer students an assignment to earn a higher amount of extra credit points where they delve further into evidence-based practices and literature related to cultural competence.
Task: This paper reviews evidence-based cultural competency practices for social workers. Students may choose from any given cultural practice to base their research on (some examples could range from how social workers use eye contact in working with clients to best practices for working with a Muslim client). The paper will generally describe the following:
Criterion for Success: The paper should be written in APA format both regarding the use of strong academic writing along with proper formatting. The paper should be approximately 1,250 to 1,500 words in length. This paper will be graded according to the APA research paper rubric.