SOWK 486 Class Header

MyHeritage Syllabus Presentations Emails

Sorry to be a little late to upload the unit introductions and resources. Just a reminder that I have posted all of the reading quizzes and assignments so you know when things are coming up (as well it’s listed in the syllabus). Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week four is a continuation of laying the groundwork for this course. It is focused on providing an overview of the helping process. The Hepworth et al. (2022) text formats the helping process into three phases.

During the session, we will be examining an overview of considerations we should have in each of the phases. We will also be looking at how we set the environment with our clients and what the interviewing process looks like. Finally, we will spend some time discussing some potential ethical dilemmas. The agenda is:

Unit Assignments

A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance

Attend class

A-02: Chapter Reading Quizzes

Complete the reading quiz, W-04 A-02 for Chapters Hepworth et al. (2022) 03 and 04 prior to class.

Unit Resources

In talking about rapport and connection with clients, we review Leach (2015) to understand some of the strategies and behaviors that improve client trust. You can read the paper if you are interested.

I will post the presentation for this week prior to class.

You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos for this course. You can find [Fall 2024 SOWK 486w 1 - Week 04]().


Hepworth, D. H., Vang, P. D., Blakey, J. M., Schwalbe, C., & Evans, C. (2022). Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice Theory and Skills (11th ed.). Cengage Learning, Inc.

Leach, M. J. (2005). Rapport: A key to treatment success. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 11(4), 262–265.

To-Do Lists