SOWK 581 Class Header

MyHeritage Syllabus Presentations Emails

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week eleven is a synchronous week, with class on 11/02. The readings will be about cognitive theory.

Unit Assignments


Weekly Online Discussion Forums

This week, there are three discussion forums for you to engage in. I want you to make a total of three replies across any of the forums. I want at least two of the replies related to any of the prompts. The other reply can be answering prompts or replying to your peers. The following is a brief overview of the forums for this week:

While you don’t have to post in all the forums, I expect you to read all the posts across all the forums. Since I just got back from my conference last week, I am not getting this out as soon as I’d like for you, so it isn’t due until before Monday Morning (11/04 at 8 AM).

Reading Quizzes

W-11 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 09 is due by 8 AM on Saturday, 11/02.

Unit Resources

I will post the presentation before class so you can access my slides.

To-Do Lists