Here we go, you are almost finished. This week, work on your papers/presentations. Next week presentations. Then the week after, celebrate! You got this!
Week 15 is asynchronous, so there is no in-person class. Students are working on finalizing their executive summaries. To give students time to prepare their final papers (as well as the presentations that are due next week), there are no forums. Students also have their final journal entry to complete.
A-04a Individual Weekly Journal Entries
You can find the forum for the last journal entry at W-15 A-04a Journal Entry 10.
Assignment 04d: Executive Summary of the Program Evaluation
Meta: Points 200 pts (20% of student’s final grade); Deadline Sunday 04/28/24 at 11:55 PM; Submission via Anthology through the assignments section of MyHeritage. Locations Assignment Submission, Executive Summary Template.docx, and Syllabus Handout
Purpose: The executive summary gives students the opportunity to engage in scholarly writing that clearly articulates the outcomes of the program evaluation they completed.
Task: The Executive Summary of the Program Evaluation is used as a key assignment1 for SOWK 460w. The CSWE (2022) describes their ninth competency as students being able to evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Specifically, students will be assessed regarding the following the identified practice behavior of “select and use culturally responsive methods for evaluation of outcomes; and critically analyze outcomes and apply evaluation findings to improve practice effectiveness” (p. 13). Due to this assignment being a key assignment, although each group will submit the same version of the final paper and receive the same grade, each student must submit the paper via Anthology through MyHeritage assignments.
Each group must hand in one final paper that is 10-15 pages long and consists of seven sections: introduction, logic model, ethical framework, methods, data/findings, narrative/discussion, and references.
Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating their ability to use scholarly writing to describe their research project clearly. Grades are assigned based on the_ CSWE (2022) Competency Nine Practice Behaviors Rubric for the Executive Summary of the Program Evaluation_. I will provide feedback before final grades are due, which is by Wednesday 05/15/24 at 5:00 PM.
You can find the flyer for presentations with your agencies. I know some of the staff from the Kennewick and Toppenish campuses are planning on attending. I also created a Google Doc for people to sign up to help bring some of the Light Refreshments for the Student Program Evaluation Symposium.
Heritage University’s social work program selects assignments across the curriculum for students to demonstrate each practice behavior defined by the CSWE to act as key assignments. These assignments are submitted to Heritage’s online portfolio, Anthology Portfolio, and given to all students at each site using the same grading rubric. Student scores help provide data for faculty to self-evaluate the program. ↩