SOWK 487z Class Header

MyHeritage Syllabus Presentations Emails

I’m looking forward to seeing you this week and seeing you all in person this week.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

For the first four weeks of class, we will focus on groups in family work. This week you will read Hepworth et al. (2022) Chapter 10 Assessing Family Functioning in Diverse Family and Cultural Contexts. The assessment is the foundation for any successful service. Some of the dimensions we must look at include: family structure, including homeostasis, boundaries, power and decision-making, roles, rules, life cycle, and sociopolitical environment

Because we met online last week and didn’t pick groups, we will also do that during this class session.

Unit Assignments


A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance

Attend Class

A-02: Reading Engagement and Check-in Questions

The W-02 A-02 Reading Questions is due before class. I’ll work on getting the rest of the reading quizzes uploaded to MyHeritage this week.

Unit Resources

During class, we will do an activity using the handout Applying Family Systems Framework Assessment. This week, we will discuss the first two scenarios and brainstorm what going through an assessment might be like. Next week, you will have the opportunity to role-play some.

We will watch a video, Insoo Kim Berg Solution-Focused Family Therapy, and talk about the communication styles of the family members.

All of the presentations for this class can be found at This week’s slides are are Spring 2024 SOWK 487w Week 02 - Understanding and Assessing Families.

You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos tab for this course. This week’s video is at [Spring 2024 SOWK 487w - Week 02]().

Embed after Class Session

To-Do Lists