SOWK 487z Class Header

MyHeritage Syllabus Presentations Emails

I hope you are all doing well and had a good three day weekend. I’m looking forward to class this week.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

In week six, we are transitioning from working with families to working just with groups for the rest of the semester. Reading Hepworth et al. (2022) and Chapter 11: Understanding Social Work Groups provides a strong understanding of the various types of groups that we will be talking about for the rest of the semester. The agenda is as follows:

Unit Assignments


A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance

Attend Class

A-02: Reading Engagement and Check-in Questions

Complete the reading engagement and check-in questions at W-06 A-02 Reading Questions. It is due Wednesday, 02/21/24 at 5:30 PM. Don’t get too stressed out about these. If you end up needing more time, just email me and I’ll re-open it for you. This quiz is multiple choice and is drawn from the textbook.

Unit Resources

You got a chance to spend time preparing for this in class, but next week you will be doing your presentations. You can find Assignment 03: Family Treatment Modality Research Presentation Description and Rubric to review.

All of the presentations for this class can be found at This week’s slides are at Spring 2024 SOWK 487w Week 06 - Understanding Social Work Groups.

You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos tab for this course.

To-Do Lists