I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. No class this week in person, but I hope to see some of you at the protests.
Ethical practice and program evaluation is the theme for week three of SOWK 460w. This week is asynchronous, so there is no in-person class. Students will complete the CITI research ethics and compliance training. I ask students to read a brief report explaining the American Evaluation Association’s guiding principles and respond to the group discussion forums. The learning objectives for this week include the following:
Read the American Evaluation Association (2018) and their Guiding Principles For Evaluators.
A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance
This week, there are three forums for students to write replies. I want you to submit at least three replies. Two should be your reply to one of the prompts in the forums, and the third can be a meaningful response to one of your peer’s replies. The following are the forums for week three:
A-03: CITI Research Ethics and Compliance Training
Meta: Points 50 pts (5% of final grade); Deadline Monday 02/10/25 at 08:00 AM; Completion via MyHeritage Assignments as an uploaded paper. Location Assignment Submission and Assignment Description Handout.
Purpose: Students learn and demonstrate knowledge of essential human subjects’ research topics for social-behavioral-educational researchers.
Task: Heritage University’s Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative’s (CITI) Research Ethics and Compliance Training program introduces issues such as informed consent, human subjects’ protection, privacy, and confidentiality for students involved in research involving no more than “minimal risk.” To complete the CITI training, go to http://www.citiprogram.org/ and follow these instructions:
Students can find additional support and information on Heritage University’s Institution Review Board (https://heritage.edu/student-resources/irb-institutional-review-board/)
Success: Students will complete the CITI Social & Behavioral Educational (SBE) course. They will upload a copy of their certificate (or a screenshot showing completion/grade assigned) to MyHeritage assignments. Grades for this assignment will be completed by mid-term grades due by the faculty on Wednesday 03/26/25 at 5:00 PM.
This week, I have you read the Guiding Principles For Evaluators from the American Evaluation Association (2018). Their website has a number of other resources around assessment.
American Evaluation Association. (2018). American Evaluation Association guiding principles for evaluators. https://www.eval.org/Portals/0/Docs/AEA_289398-18_GuidingPrinciples_Brochure_2.pdf