I’m excited about the school social work class and looking forward to seeing you all this Saturday.
Most of our MSW students are placed in school-based practicums and have been practicing as school social workers. School social work is a distinct field of practice within social work with our own professional organization (School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) and our state chapter Washington Association of School Social Workers (WASSW)). The NASW includes it as an area of practice and the ability for members to apply to be a Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS). This class provides those who complete this course will complete the educational requirements for an Educational Staff Associate with an Endorsement in Social Work. Week one of Social Work in Schools is centered on laying the groundwork for what we think of as school social work and this course. Week one is synchronous, with class on Saturday (01/25/25).
The agenda for the in-person class is as follows:
Forums will start next week when we have developed group assignments.
Jarolmen and Bautista-Thomas’s (2023) School Social Work: A Direct Practice Guide (2nd eds.) is the required text for this course along with some articles, podcasts, and other resources that will be shared as a part of this course. I am reading through the book with you all this semester, but a lot of the expected content for this class was compiled as a part of the application and approval from PEBS (You can see info about course approval) and it is listed as an approved Professional Transitions to the Public Schools: Initial ESA Certification course. Information about the an ESA can be found on OSPI’s website.
You can find the course syllabus page that includes a PDF version of Spring 2025 SOWK 587 (0) SW in Schools Syllabus - Campbell. With the submission of our benchmark two documentation, we updated the Student Handbook and that can be found in the syllabus section.
The presentation will be uploaded as we get closer to class.