New Found Password

1 minute read

 A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long. A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.

I seem to work many overnights at the Crisis Residential Center. I think this might be due to the fact that I have a fairly hectic schedule and those are the hours that they can fit in with mine. I also think that many of the other support staff do not put the overnight shift on their availability as often as I do. I think that I might be a little bit crazy, but I’m really willing to work pretty much whenever right now. I think as my life changes, so will this priority… but thus far, I really don’t have a family to take care of. With these overnights, I have not been able to log onto the center’s wireless due to password. I finally thought about it (only 5 or 6 months later) and realized that I could get the password off of the staff office computer downstairs. Anyways, now I can actually work on my homework (though blackboard), my web design, or what ever else I need to do in my life. This comes not any too soon, because I work five overnights this week before I go to Europe.
