Spring 2020 SOWK 460 Class 02 Weekly Email
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The My Heritage class website should mostly have everything set up, although as we go, I will likely be adding information to the week sections as needed. I’ve set up the reading quizzes. I set up the reading quizzes for week three and four (remember that realistically they are due one day separated). For week three, there are three quizzes (one for each chapter that you have to read). I’m using some material for these quizzes from my colleague so there are some different types of questions that I’ve usually had in my quizzes in the past. She also only had quizzes on seven of the chapters. We will check back in on this in a couple of weeks when we are together again in class.
In having Martin Luther King Jr.’s celebration, I thought that I would share one of my favorite speeches of his. It really looks at his ecological viewpoint on the world.
You can even a short essay I wrote last semester, Holistic Worldview and A Comparasson with Social Work, talking about about this speech and a holistic worldview.
Have a wonderful week.