Spring 2020 SOWK 487 Class 12 Weekly Email

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I hope that you are all doing well and staying safe. Just a reminder that we have class tonight at 5:30 pm. I think it should be a good class, and I have some activities related to working with families that will hopefully help support you all.

Last week we spent some time discussing using strengths perspective with families. I also made a video, Strengths-Based Engagement with Families, and posted it to YoutTube for all of you. Sorry to be so slow at getting these out for you you, but it takes me a long time to make these, and I hope it’s useful for you.

Strengths-Based Engagement with Families - YouTube Video

This week we will be spending some time talking about skills that we might use to teach families, and we are going to be talking a little bit about Operant Conditioning. I made a video - Changing Problematic Behaviors, Principles of Operant Conditioning a while back about this topic, and you might benefit from seeing it as well.

Operant Conditioning Video on YouTube

The readings for this week and last week were listed in the syllabus. The link for the Chovil one is a direct link and takes you to the pdf. The Prest and Protinsky can be found by searching for it in the Heritage Library. They are interesting articles, and I would encourage you to read them, but they are not necessary to read as a part of class tonight.

Chovil, N. (2009, April) Engaging families in child & youth mental health: A review of best, emerging, and promising practices. Retrieved from http://www.forcesociety.com/sites/default/ files/Engaging%20Families%20in%20Child%20&%20Youth%20Mental%20Health.pdf

Prest, L., & Protinsky, H. (1993) Family systems theory: A unifying framework for codependence. American Journal of Family Therapy, 21(4), pp. 352-360. https://doi.org/10.1080/01926189308251005

During class, the following are topics that we will be covering:

  • Specific tools for working with families
  • Dysfunctional family roles
  • Implementation of family intervention

There are several handouts that we will be going over that you can download and take with you and to use during class today. They include: 15 Fair Fighting Rules, Validating vs Invalidating Statements, Using Time-Outs, and Individual Wellness Wheel.

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class.

You can see the slides from last week:

And from this week:

If you are interested, I also made a fun stop motion video with my kids. I thought I would share it here as well. It’s called Stop Motion Video for Nana

Stop Motion Video for Nana - YouTube Video
