Fall 2021 SOWK 486 Class 07 Weekly Email
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I’m looking forward to class this week. Good luck on your papers, I look forward to reading them all.
Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn
Week seven and the topic of counterproductive communication builds on week six, which generally looks at just skills related to communication. Communication happens all of the time, and through both verbal and nonverbal patterns. As social workers, we have an obligation to look at how we are communicating and make an attempt to not be putting up barriers to have communication flow freely. The agenda for class this week is as follows:
- Nonverbal communication
- Verbal communication
- Review and practice with some furthering skills
- Barriers to communication
Unit Resources
Make sure you read through the APA Style Page Format in preparation for you paper. There are also Example Student Papers that show how your word document should be put together.
I really appreciate feedback about teaching and my courses. There is an opportunity to provide mid-term feedback. I read the feedback and find it helpful. You can access the survey by going to SOWK 486W Survey
Your Textbook and I both talk some about Reactance Theory. Steindl et al. (2015) provide a good overview and understanding of reactance theory. Students are encouraged to read through it.
Steindl, C., Jonas, E., Sittenthaler, S., Traut-Mattausch, E., & Greenberg, J. (2015). Understanding psychological reactance: New developments and findings. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223(4), 205-214. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000222
You can find all of the presentations that I’ve done at presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. The slides for this week, SOWK 486 - Week 07 - Counterproductive Communication
View SOWK 486 - Week 07 - Counterproductive Communication.
Unit Assignments
A-01: Class Attendance and Engagement
Attend the Zoom class
Assignment 02: Reading Quiz
Complete Assignment 02: Reading Quiz for chapter seven.
Assignment 03: Theory and Practice Integrative Paper
Meta: Points 100 pts (25% of final grade); Deadline Friday 10/08/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage assignments as Forum. Assignment 03: Theory and Practice Integrative Paper
Purpose: Students show the integration of theories of practice to their real-world implementation through the assigned Theory and Practice Integrative Paper. Students work with a partner to describe a theory of practice, a fictional client, and the implementation of direct practice with a client.
Task: Working in groups of two, students will author a paper that both describes a theory of practice and how a practitioner would implement it working with an individual client. Students may choose any general social work theory that they would like to discuss. Some major examples of this include systems theory, ecological perspective, strengths perspective, feminist perspective, and other theories out of human behavior and the social environment. Students should approach this paper creatively including the following minimum parts:
- APA formatting in both strong academic writing (e.g., tone, word choice, writing perspective) and paper style (paper sections, headers and footers, page layout, and spacing)
- Description of the theory examined using peer-reviewed academic journal articles (must use both in-text citations and a reference list).
- Discussion of a fictional client and their circumstances.
- Application of the theory to direct practice actions a clinician would use.
Success: Successful papers are evaluated using the APA Research Paper Rubric which includes the assessment of the paper content, APA formatting, spelling, grammar, timeliness, and length. Each paper should be between 1,250 and 1,500 words in length. Feedback from the instructor will be completed by no later than mid-term grades due by the faculty on 10/20/21 at 5:00 PM.
To Do Lists
- A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance: Participate in class
- A-02: Reading Quiz for chapter seven is due at 5:30 PM before class via My Heritage
- A-03: Theory and Practice Integrative Paper due Friday 10/08/21 at 11:55 PM via My Heritage