Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Class 03 Weekly Email

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I hope that you are all enjoying the snow. I tried to take my kids sledding, but there wasn’t quite enough. As well, this last weekend was pretty busy for me. Generally I have had to go to California for the intensive for my Ph.D. program, but with COVID-19 we held it virtually and so I got to participate in that. I’m really looking forward to class this week, and think we have some good things planned. The readings are really good as well.

Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week three students read through chapters four, five, and six of the Garvin textbook. These include chapters focused on Brenton (2017) and empowerment perspective in groups, Barksy and Northern (2017) and ethics and values in group work, and finally, Ortega (2017) social justice practice. To start the class session, we will be completing an activity to demonstrate power dynamics, talk about empowerment perspective, and do an activity related to social justice.


Barsky, A. E., & Northen, H. (2017). Chapter 05 - Ethics and values in group work. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 74-93). The Guilford Press.

Breton, M. (2017). Chapter 04 - An empowerment perspective. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 55-75). The Guilford Press.

Ortega, R. M. (2017). Chapter 06 - Group work and socially just practice. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 93-110). The Guilford Press.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

You need to read chapters 4-6

During this class session you will need the following:

  • A lollipop (although if you don’t have one, it won’t be a problem)

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. SOWK 487 Week 03 - Foundations for Groups Part II

Unit AssignmentsPermalink

A-01: Synchronous Class EngagementPermalink

Attend Class

A-02: Asynchronous Class EngagementPermalink

W-03 “How can we empower”

Meta: Points 5 points (1.25% of your final grade); Deadline Sunday 01/31/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via Flipgrid

Purpose: This flipgrid asking students to discuss how they can empower is to help students consider empowerment perspective in their daily lives and future work.

Task: Students will record a short flipgrid video talking about empowerment. They are to relate empowerment to something in their lives. Some examples might be how they expect to empower clients in the career, but it could also be related to empowering their children, significant others, other people in their lives, or even themselves.

Criterion for Success: Students post a video on time and be reflective about how they can be empowering.

To Do ListsPermalink

  • A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
  • A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement “How can we empower” due Sunday 01/31/21 at 11:55 PM via Flipgrid
  • Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 4-6
