Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Class 05 Weekly Email

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Sorry to be a bit behind in getting this out for you all.

Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week five, we continue to focus on working with families. Students are expected to read Prest and Protinsky (1993). We will continue to talk about the dimensions of family assessments. The class session should be fairly practical with several activities. The agenda is as follows:

  • Finish reviewing dimensions of family systems framework assessment
  • Specific tools for working with families
  • Dysfunctional family roles

Unit ResourcesPermalink

You need to read Prest and Protinsky (1993).

Prest, L. A., & Protinsky, H. (1993). Family systems theory: A unifying framework for co-dependence. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 21(4), 352-360. https://doi.org/10.1080/01926189308251005

During the class session we will be going through a number of handouts. You don’t have to print them, but some students might find it beneficial. This is especially true for Holistic Wellness Wheel, as you will be asked to fill this in during class. If you are unable to print this, it would be fairly simple to draw on your own piece of scratch paper.

Along with the wellness wheel, the following are other handouts for this class session:

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Working with Families Part II: A Set of Tools for Working with Families

Unit AssignmentsPermalink

A-01: Synchronous Class EngagementPermalink

Attend Class

A-02: Asynchronous Class EngagementPermalink

Meta: Points 5 points (1.25% of your final grade); Deadline Sunday 02/14/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via Flipgrid at W-05 “What roles do we have”

Purpose: This gives students an opportunity to talk about roles within their family and what roles they see themselves filling

Task: During class on 02/10/21, we will be discussing the co-dependent family roles. These are one way of classifying family roles, but not the only. There are a number of positive family roles that we take on in our lives. Students are to share a short video of themselves talking about the roles that they take on in their families.

Criterion for Success: Students will talk about some of the roles they take on with their family

To Do ListsPermalink
