Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Class 06 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 487
I hope that you are all well. I know I’m getting this one out just under the wire so to say, but that is how it sometimes. A reminder that even if I don’t have my slides up or the actual assignment section I do have what all of the readings and the activities that will be for the week listed on the syllabus. I’m looking forward to see you all tomorrow.
Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink
During weeks six and seven, we bring our focus back to therapeutic group models. First, this week we will look at the less structured mutual aid groups, and next week we will be looking into cognitive-behavioral group work. We will be examining what mutual aid groups are used for, the phases of helping that happen with mutual aid, facilitation of these groups.
Unit ResourcesPermalink
You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 7
Watch a video, Mutual Aid Model and Children with Special Needs, that I talked about the mutual AID model and relating it to work with families with disabilities.
The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. SOWK 487 Week 06 - Group Practice Models: Mutual Aid
Unit AssignmentsPermalink
A-01: Synchronous Class EngagementPermalink
Attend Class
A-02: Asynchronous Class EngagementPermalink
Meta: Points 5 points (1.25% of your final grade); Deadline Sunday 02/21/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion Via My Heritage Course Forum
Purpose: To gather resources regarding potential community mutual aid programs that could be useful in your career.
Task: Students will attempt to find information about local mutual aid style groups that work locally. This activity intends not to spend a significant amount of time searching or engaging in it. Think about the different types of mutual aid groups there could be and search for them. Check what other classmates have written in the forums and attempt not to duplicate their posts. Document a brief description of the group and some information about participating (e.g., who can participate, address/location, website, phone number, name of the facilitator). You don’t have to have all of the information, but hopefully enough, we can gather a document of all of the mutual aid groups you can find and share it.
Criterion for Success: Students will post about a local mutual aid group. If you are unable to find one, it can be appropriate to make a post sharing that.
To Do ListsPermalink
- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
- A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement W-06 “Local community mutual aid groups” Post by Sunday 02/21/21 at 11:55 PM with no replies required via my Heritage Course Forums
- Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 7
- Watch Mutual Aid Model and Children with Special Needs