Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Class 07 Weekly Email

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Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

A cognitive-behavioral framework is a foundation for many therapeutic groups as well as individual clinician’s practices. In an effort to help provide context, during class we will be reviewing several different curricula.

The agenda for this week is as follows:

  • Curriculum used with cognitive-behavioral group work
  • Phases of the group process
  • Implementation of CBGW group

Unit Resources

You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 8

This week there are again a number of handouts that we will be spending some time reviewing. I would not suggest trying to print all of these, as some of them are hundreds of pages. It might be helpful to have saved them and looked over them a little bit. In the course of our discussion of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Work I wanted to offer some examples of what the manuals can look like. You will be broken up into groups and given a chance to read “thumb through” the material and talk about it together.

We will also review a tool that I have frequently used with clients, Using Grounding To Detach From Emotional Pain.

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Week 07 - Group Practice Models - Cognitive Behavioral Group Work

View SOWK 487 - Week 07 - Group Practice Models - Cognitive Behavioral Group Work.

Unit Assignments

A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement

Attend Class

A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement

The syllabus had originally planned to have a teach-back group activity. During class the last couple of weeks, I’ve heard a lot of worry from students about the various group projects you have in your classes. The points for this assignment are being given as extra credit. This should also give you a little more time to work on your papers that due this Sunday.

A-03a: Family Treatment Modality Research Paper

Meta: Points 100 points (25% of final grade); Deadline Sunday 02/28/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is for students to be able to collaboratively work on researching a given topic to understand the empirical evidence around a specific modality of family treatment. It is also hoped that students will improve their ability to find and understand peer-reviewed research journals and use scholarly writing techniques.

Task: In the peer groups, students will be required to complete research and submit an article regarding a chosen treatment method. The paper is to be written using APA both regarding the use of strong academic writing along with proper formatting. The paper should include information regarding at least the following components:

  • Description and history of the treatment modality
  • Treatment implementation and common techniques
  • Research findings regarding efficacy
  • Strengths and limitations of the selected treatment

Criterion for Success: The paper should be approximately 1,500 to 1,750 words in length. Grades for this will be assessed according to the APA research paper grading guidelines as described in the syllabus. Grades for the assignment will be included in the submission of midterm grades, which are tentatively required to be posted no later than 03/17/21 at 5:00 PM by the instructor.

To Do Lists

  • A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
  • A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement W-07 “Thinking errors teach back video” with an initial post due Friday 02/26/21 at 11:55 PM and two replies due Sunday 02/28/21 at 11:55 PM via My Heritage Class Forums
  • A-03a: Family Treatment Modality Research Paper due Sunday 02/28/21 at 11:55 PM via My Heritage Assignments
  • Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 8
