Fall 2022 SOWK 486 Class 15 Weekly Email

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Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

You have made it to the end of this class, as week 15 is our final session. Assessments are an essential aspect of social work and direct practice with clients. We should be participating in assessments of our practice and the interventions that we complete with clients. There are many ways to go through that. The schedule for today is to look at the following:

  • Evaluation
  • The evaluation process
  • Termination
  • Follow up
  • Self Care

Unit Assignments

A-01: Class Attendance Engagement

Attend class

A–02: Reading Quiz

Complete this weeks reading, and then W-15 A-02 Hepworth et al. (2022) Chapter(s) 19 which is due 5:30 PM before class via My Heritage

A-04: Interviewing Skills Video Role-Play and Reflection Paper

Worth 200 points, or 50% of the student’s final grade, the assignment has two parts, each worth 100 points. The Interviewing Skills Video Role-Play serves as a key assignment1 for the social work program. This assignment allows you to view yourself in the role of a social worker conducting an interview. The Interviewing Skills Reflection Paper provides a space to self-critique your engagement and interviewing skills.

A-04b: Interviewing Skills Reflective Paper

Meta: Points 100 pts (25% of student’s final grade); Deadline Friday 12/02/22 at 11:55 PM; Submission via Assignments section of My Heritage Assignment 04b: Interviewing Skills Reflective Paper or view a PDF of the assignment description and rubric.

Purpose: The Interviewing skills Video Role-Play Reflective Paper offers students a chance to reflect on the experience of their role-play after having watched themselves using a critical eye.

Task: After students have completed their role-play and had an opportunity to review their performance, each student will individually author a reflective paper describing their experience and what they learned. The paper should be between 500 and 750 words in length, formatted using the APA 7th edition style guide. Abstracts are optional, and if your paper does not cite any sources, there is no need for a reference page. The following should be included in your paper:

  • Areas of Strengths: The paper should discuss your areas of strength demonstrated in the role-play. For example, “I used attentive body language because I leaned in slightly and maintained eye contact.” Be specific about what went well. Include quotes from either party.
  • Areas for Improvement: The paper should also discuss your areas for improvement. Again, be specific and use concrete language. State how you will work on these skills.

Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating their ability to self-reflect and write using strong academic writing skills. Grades are assigned based on the Reflective Paper Rubric. Feedback will be provided with final grades which are due by the instructor no later than 12/14/22 at 5:00 PM.

Unit Resources

We are talking about assessment in class this week. It is also time for the evaluation of the class. I do value feedback. The results of the survey tool are confidential so I don’t receive any names related to specific responses. There should be a spot for you to be able to take the evaluation on the sidebar or SOWK 486W Survey.

For finals week, we are not having a test, but having a celebration. It will take place next Wednesday (12/07/22) at 5:30 in SWL 104 for an end-of-semester celebration. I created a Google Doc for planning - Fall 2022 SOWK 430 & 486w Celebration.

You can find all of the presentations for this course at https://presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. You can find this weeks presentation, Fall 2022 SOWK 486w - Week 15 - Evaluation and Termination


To Do Lists

  1. Heritage University’s social work program selects assignments across the curriculum for students to demonstrate each of the practice behaviors defined by the CSWE to act as key assignments. These assignments are submitted to Heritage’s online portfolio, Anthology Portfolio, and given to all students at each site using the same grading rubric. Student scores help provide data for faculty to self-evaluate the program. 
