Spring 2022 SOWK 322 Class 06 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 322
I hope that you are all doing well. Sorry to be so far behind in sending this out. I have the course page for week W-06: 2/21 - 2/27 with all of the details of expectations for your presentations. I also have everything posted for W-07: 2/28 - 3/6 and W-08: 3/7 - 3/13 so when you are ready to post your presentations the space is available.
Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn
Week six is meant to provide students with space to work on their presentations for weeks seven and eight. To provide this extra capacity, there is no readings required from the textbook, and only one forum reply is required. The objectives this week include the following:
- Understand criteria for group presentation assignment
- Present references used in presentation for review
- Prepare presentations for Weeks 7 and 8
Unit Resources
While it is the same information that is in the syllabus, there is a handout - Assignment 03: Disability Population Group Presentation Description. You can also see that actual assignment A-03: Disability Population Group Presentation Groups 1-4 or A-03: Disability Population Group Presentation Groups 5-8 as well as A-03b: Group Presentation Self-Reflection Questionnaire that will be due after the presentations are all completed, on Sunday 3/13.
As described in the grading rubric for the assignment, your presentations have to include a couple of types of sources. This includes using your textbook and at least two high-quality sources. In social work, we use the style guide provided by the American Psychological Association (APA, 2019). Some of you who are not social work majors may be new to writing like this, and I find many students feel a little intimidated by APA. For the purpose of your presentation, you should use in-text citations to show where you got information in your slides from and there should be at least one slide with your references (if you need multiple slides, that is also OK). While the official standards for APA are all found in the APA (2019) publication manual, I want to provide a couple of resources that can be helpful.
With the publication of the seventh edition of their publication manual, the American Psychological Association made a significant update to their website. The Style and Grammar Guidelines provide a great deal of information that previously was only included in the published manual. When people talk about following APA style, they often are only thinking about in-text citations, reference list entries, and how to format a paper. The style guide also looks at how we actually write, include attempting to be bias free and specific writing / grammar styles. I think the challenging thing about APA style sometimes is that it tends to be particular. Examples of this include the use of italic in a reference list or providing a page number for direct quotes. For the reference list, as you are starting, I would suggest looking up each source type and following the examples, and after doing this multiple times, it will start to make sense how they are formatted. Another excellent source that you can look at is the Online Writing Lab (OWL) from Purdue University. Their APA Formatting and Style Guide is well put together, and if you find the APA Style’s website harder to understand, this might be easier to get.
In thinking about types of sources, and what makes a high-quality source, I have put together a video, Hierarchy in Academic Sources and Advice for Social Work Students.
If you want to see just the slides, you can also see SOWK 322 Week 06 - Hierarchy in Academic Sources
View SOWK 322 Week 06 - Hierarchy in Academic Sources.
I also created a lecture video, SOWK 322 Week 06 Checking in and Assignment Overview that gives an update about how things are going, talks about posting in the forums, and also that reviews the presentation assignment rubric.
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American psychological association. American Psychological Association.
Unit Assignments
- Spend some time browsing the APA Style Website or Purdue Online Writing Lab
- Watch my video, Hierarchy in Academic Sources and Researching Advice for Social Work Students
- Watch my lecture video SOWK 322 Week 06 Checking in and Assignment Overview
A–01: Asynchronous Participation and Engagement
For week six, students only have to make one reply for their weekly participation. The expectation is that you are spending your time this week interacting with your group preparing your presentations. I expect that everybody participates with your group members and fairly distributes the work. At the end of week eight, you will have to complete a “quiz” that will ask for your self-report and reflection on what you did in your project. You can see this at A-03b: Group Presentation Self-Reflection Questionnaire. For week six, I have also created a forum that students can optionally post questions or needs that they have. You can also contact me directly and I will respond there. The following are the two forums available in week six:
- The one place you are required to post at least one reply to is the forum, Sharing High-Quality Source with Context. This forum asks you to share one of the sources you have been reading for your presentation along with some context.
- You can also post to the forum Last Minute Questions About the Presentation
To Do List:
- Watch the videos Hierarchy in Academic Sources and Researching Advice for Social Work Students and SOWK 322 Week 06 Checking in and Assignment Overview
- Finish group presentation
- Create a reply in Sharing High-Quality Source with Context and if you have questions ask them in the forum Last Minute Questions About the Presentation