Fall 2024 SOWK 581.0 Class 09 Weekly Email

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Hey, next week is almost here! Have a wonderful weekend.

Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week nine is a synchronous week, with class on 10/19. The readings will be about relational theory. I might also have a discussion related to behavioral therapy (which is the content of week 10).

Unit AssignmentsPermalink


  • Read Cooper and Granucci Lesser’s (2022) Chapter 7 Relational Theory

Weekly Online Discussion Forums

This week, there are four discussion forums for you to engage in. I want you to make a total of three replies across any of the forums. I want at least two of the replies related to any of the prompts. The other reply can be answering prompts or replying to your peers. The following is a brief overview of the forums for this week:

While you don’t have to post in all the forums, I expect you to read all the posts across all the forums. Your forums are due before Saturday (10/19 at 8 AM).

Reading Quizzes

During my first section of this class, they earned a stump the professor extra credit point for me getting one of the quiz questions wrong earlier this semester. Last week they tried again, but I prevailed and answered the question correctly. Knowing that they were hoping for some extra credit and that I don’t have any designated assignments, I am making W-09 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 07 worth only extra credit (e.g., you can do it or not… but if you do the points help your grade). It is still due at the same time, by 8 AM on Saturday, 10/19.

Midterm Evaluation

I haven’t gotten much feedback yet, so please complete the SOWK 581 (0) Midterm Evaluation. I would love to hear feedback about how this class is going and what I can do to improve your experience.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

I will post the slides closer to class.


Cooper, M. G., & Granucci Lesser, J. (2022). Clinical social work practice: An integrated approach (6th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

To-Do ListsPermalink

  • Read chapter seven of textbook
  • Complete at at least three replies across any of the three forums
  • Complete you reading quiz for extra credit!
  • Complete your midterm evaluation
