Fall 2024 SOWK 581.0 Class 12 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 581
I hope that you are all doing alright. I know it took me a couple of extra days to post this week on MyHeritage and then a couple of days more to send you all an email… but I wanted to have everything all set up and done. The lecture video is posted with lots of info about the presentation due next week. Next week’s (e.g., Week 13) MyHeritage page is all set up and describes how to post your videos and what you will be doing for that week. I also appreciate that I’ve had several people engage in my questions about the presentation forums already. I will keep responding over the weekend if people have questions. I also hope to see people tomorrow at Ochoa’s birthday party. I think I’m bringing some Tinga.
Also, note the number one item I put for your tasks this week is to Keep Your Head Up. I’m here if anybody needs anything.
Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink
Week 12 is asynchronous. You will engage in content regarding narrative therapy. You should also be working on your intervention presentation, which is due next week.
Learning Objectives
- Address any questions you might have about your presentations
- Explore therapeutic documents in narrative therapy
- Engage with some of the techniques and interventions used in narrative therapy
Unit AssignmentsPermalink
- Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 10 - Narrative Therapy
- Watch my lecture video
Weekly Online Discussion Forums
This week, there are five discussion forums for you to engage in. I want you to make a total of six replies across any of the forums. At least four of the replies must be related to any of the prompts provided. The other replies can be answering prompts or replying to your peers. The following is a brief overview of the forums for this week:
- The chapter ten reflection questions forum explores the readings and asks you to consider narrative therapy related to the examples and case studies discussed in the textbook.
- The forum Questions about the Presentation gives a space to ask questions about the presentation due next week. I’ve subscribed, so I will get an email each time a question so I can be as responsive as possible.
- I ask you to test the waters using a narrative approach by reflecting on the use of some of the questions and techniques described in the textbook in a conversation with family or a loved one.
- The forum Create a Tree of Life your experience or an example of a creative project sharing a narrative about you a space to share a tree of life that you develop for yourself developing a story for your origin, daily activities, skills, future desires, important people, and gifts.
- Narrative therapy often employs therapeutic documents, and there is a forum with some examples of these documents and encouraging to reflect on the self-creation of one.
While you don’t have to post in all the forums, I expect you to read all the posts across all the forums. It has taken me longer this week to get everything out to you, especially because I have prepared the content for next week. You can start posting your presentation videos when you are ready. I am making the forums due before Wednesday (11/13 at 8 AM). Please note below that you will still have to submit your presentation by that night.
Reading Quizzes
You have a reading quiz, W-12 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 10 which is due on It is still due at the same time, by 8 AM on Saturday, 11/09.
A-02: Intervention Plan Presentation
Meta: Points 75 pts (15% of final grade); Deadline Wednesday 11/13/24 at 11:55 PM; Completion via submission in MyHeritage Forum.
Purpose: Service delivery planning is the next sequential step after social workers have completed an assessment. Being able to present about the work we are doing with our clients is a valuable skill. Students will be able to share their developed intervention plan they for their case study client.
Task: The student’s case study assignment requires the inclusion of a service delivery plan as an appendix. Students will complete a 10–15-minute presentation regarding their intervention plan with their chosen client. Presentations should ground the plan in assessment and provide a brief overview of the client’s needs. Discussion regarding the intervention plan should include the client voice, goal statement, strengths/resources, barriers/obstacles, and tasks or steps. There might multiple goals discussed, and the interventions should span the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Video presentations will be submitted on MyHeritage.
Success: Student presentation videos will be posted on MyHeritage. The presentation will be professionally delivered. The intervention plan discussed will be grounded in the assessment. There will be goals at each level of service delivery, and each goal will include the described necessary components for goal setting and planning.
This assignment is related and connected to the case study paper. Students might consider the service delivery planning section in their preparation of this assignment. The following is from the case study assignment description:
Service Planning: The completed service plan form will be included in an appendix. This section should include a general description of the service plan developed collaboratively with your client. Client voice and mutual engagement in the planning process should be described. The rationale for the developed plan and its linkage with peer-reviewed literature should be included in this section. Services plans should consist of at least a description of the problem being addressed, the identified goal, relevant strengths and resources, potential barriers, and tasks. Students should have identified goals at each level of intervention (e.g., micro, mezzo, and macro).
Intervention Plan Presentation RubricPermalink
The Intervention Plan Presentation Rubric evaluates the presentation students facilitate regarding the intervention plan for their case study student in SOWK 581. It evaluates whether the plan is grounded in the assessment and follows best practices for goal setting; there are goals at each service delivery level, the quality of the presentation is high, and the assignment expectations are followed.
Description | Initial | Emerging | Developed | Highly Developed |
The intervention plan is grounded in the assessment. | The assessment and needs of the client are not identified. | The presentation only generally discusses the assessment with an undefined connection between client needs and the intervention plan. | The presentation describes the assessment related to the client’s needs, which generally align with the intervention plan. | The presentation provides a detailed discussion of the assessment and shares the client’s specific needs, allowing for a clear connection between those needs and the developed intervention plan. |
Goal setting includes the necessary components for planning. There will be at least three goals (one at each level). Each goal should include the following components:<ol><li>Client voice</li><li>Goal statement</li><li>Strengths/resources</li><li>Barriers/obstacles</li><li>Tasks or steps</li></ol> |
The goals presented do not include all of the necessary components to do planning. | At least one of the goals discussed includes all five components, but the rest don’t clearly articulate all of them. | Most of the goals discussed include all five components. However, a couple might not clearly articulate some of them. | All the goals discussed include all five components of a goal. |
Goals are developed at each level of service delivery (micro, mezzo, and macro). | The intervention plan does not consider what service delivery levels are needed to address the client’s needs. | The intervention plan includes goals at multiple service delivery levels, but only one is described. | The intervention plan includes goals at multiple service delivery levels, but only two are described. | The intervention plan includes goals at each service delivery level. |
The presentation is professionally delivered. | The presentation is unclear or highly disorganized. | The presentation has some problems with organization, clarity, and delivery. | The presentation is organized and clear but lacks smooth flow and engagement. | The presentation is professionally delivered, clearly conveys the plan’s details, and uses strong presentation skills. |
The intervention plan presentation expectations and time limits are followed. | The presentation significantly exceeds or falls short of the time limit. | The presentation is within five minutes over or under the assigned time limits but lacks alignment with the assignment’s requirements. | The intervention plan presentation is within five minutes over or under the assigned time limits and follows the assignment’s requirements. | The intervention plan presentation fits within the assigned time limits and closely follows the assignment’s requirements. |
Unit ResourcesPermalink
I have posted the lecture video Fall 2024 SOWK 581 - Week 12 Section 0/Section 1. This is mainly focused on reviewing the presentation due next week. You can find a link to all of the lecture videos for SOWK 581 Section 0/Section 1.
The Syllabus Page (Section 0, Section 1, includes a document with the entire syllabus, but also individual handouts for each assignment. It is helpful to look at the case study as you prepare your intervention plan.
Two forums have you engage with therapeutic documents. In the forum for developing a tree of life, I share several resources related to this that would be helpful to examine. Ncube (2006) provides this a potential intervention, discussing its development, implementation, and results. He is connected with the Dulwich Center, and they have a page with many good examples and information related to Tree of Life as a narrative activity. Weller (n.d.) shares their experience of having put together one as well.
Cooper, M. G., & Granucci Lesser, J. (2022). Clinical social work practice: An integrated approach (6th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Ncube, N. (2006). The tree of life project using narrative ideas in work with vulnerable children in Southern Africa. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), 3-16.
Weller, N. B. (n.d.) The tree of life: A simple exercise for reclaiming your identity and direction in life through story. https://nathanbweller.com/tree-life-simple-exercise-reclaiming-identity-direction-life-story/
To-Do ListsPermalink
- Keep your head up
- Read chapter 10 and do the reading quiz
- Start preparing your intervention video
- Complete six replies across any of the five forums