Fall 2024 SOWK 581.1 Class 11 Weekly Email

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Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week eleven is a synchronous week, with class on 11/02. The readings will be about cognitive theory.

Unit AssignmentsPermalink


  • Read Cooper and Granucci Lesser’s (2022) Chapter 9, Cognitive Theory: A Structural Approach

Weekly Online Discussion Forums

This week, there are three discussion forums for you to engage in. I want you to make a total of three replies across any of the forums. I want at least two of the replies related to any of the prompts. The other reply can be answering prompts or replying to your peers. The following is a brief overview of the forums for this week:

  • The reflection questions for chapter nine explore the case study.. Students can consider her irrational thoughts and schemas, some considerations for how you could help her dispute her thoughts, what positive psychology could add to the case, and what role the relationship has.
  • The reflection on your own thoughts forum asks students to spend time documenting their thoughts and feelings in a log and share about the impact doing a task has on themselves.
  • The forum on considering dysfunctional thinking offers space for students to consider how we explore client experiences for dysfunctional thinking and what examples we might find in practice.

While you don’t have to post in all the forums, I expect you to read all the posts across all the forums. Since I just got back from my conference last week, I am not getting this out as soon as I’d like for you, so it isn’t due until before Monday Morning (11/04 at 8 AM).

Reading Quizzes

W-11 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 09 is due by 8 AM on Saturday, 11/02.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

I will post the presentation before class so you can access my slides.

To-Do ListsPermalink

  • Read chapter 9 and do the reading quiz
  • Attend class on Saturday
  • Complete three replies across any of the forums
