Fall 2024 SOWK 581.1 Class 13 Weekly Email
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Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink
Week 13 is a synchronous week, with class on 11/16. It is the last in-person class session of the semester. The readings are about solution-focused brief therapy. The forums this week are focused on people’s intervention plans. Just an FYI about the in-person class this week together for the first class period this week.
Unit AssignmentsPermalink
- Read Cooper and Granucci Lesser’s (2022) Chapter 10, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Weekly Online Discussion Forums
This week is focused on your intervention plan presentations. The following are some instructions:
- Uploading Your Video: There is an assignment for A-02: Intervention Plan Presentation. This uses the learning tool PanOpto for you to be able to record your video. After you have recorded your video, you will go into the settings for the video and make sure that it viewable (I generally select the option Public Unlisted). You can change the settings in the share tab and get a link/embed code. Just so you know, I won’t be able to see it here. You have to post it in the forum. Use this option, or you may also separately record your presentation and upload it to YouTube or some cloud storage (e.g., OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.). Any way you decide to share your video, it is essential to make sure it is viewable. In the forum for this week, please make a new initial post and include your video there.
- Sharing Your Video in the Forums: You will make a new post in the forums for this week. I’d like you to give me a brief description of your presentation and a link (or the video embedded) for your peers to watch the presentation. You should submit your video by Wednesday, 11/13, before 11:55 PM.
- Review Some of Your Peers’ Presentations: I want you to review some of your peer’s presentations. You need to make at least two replies to your peers. Your replies must be completed by Monday, 11/18, before 8:00 AM. Consider the following potential prompts for what type of replies to make:
- Share some feedback about the plan they have with their client: What seems like it would work, what might you incorporate into your work with clients or things that could be improved or you have questions about.
- Share ideas for other potential interventions they might do with their client.
- Relate similarities of the work you are doing with some of your clients to their work.
Reading Quizzes
W-13 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 11 is due by 8 AM on Saturday, 11/16.
Unit ResourcesPermalink
I will upload my slides as we get closer to class.
Regarding posting your presentation. If you are doing it via PanOpto, they have documentation around how to share a video. You can also see about the sharing settings on YouTube, OneDrive, Google Drive, and iCloud.
To-Do ListsPermalink
- Attend class
- Submit your presentation
- Reply to at least two peers
- Read chapter 11 and do the quiz