Fall 2024 SOWK 581.1 Class 15 Weekly Email

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SOWK 581 Class Header

Last week of course content. Take time to be thankful and connect with people you care about! If you are missing work or need help organizing what you are missing and how you can submit that work let me know.

Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week 15 is the last week of regular course content and takes place during Thanksgiving. The content this week is focused on special issues in clinical practice. We are wrapping up this course and preparing to move on to the Spring Semester. We will also be planning for students’ submission of their cumulative assignment for this class, the case study paper.

Unit AssignmentsPermalink


  • Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 13 - Special Issues in Clinical Practice

Weekly Online Discussion Forums

This week, five discussion forums are available for you to engage in. I want you to make a total of six replies across any of the forums. At least four replies must be related to any of the prompts provided. The other replies can be answering prompts or replying to your peers. The following is a brief overview of the forums for this week:

  • The forum Chapter 13 Reflection Questions explores special issues in clinical practice, prompting students to consider ethical dilemmas, such as addressing encounters with clients, conducting risk assessments, and the use of telehealth as a treatment modality. The forum Questions About the Case Study Paper provides a space for students to ask questions about the assignment after reviewing it.
  • The forum Suicide Training and Resources provides a space to explore and share resources and strategies related to suicide prevention and intervention through discussion of practicum policies, assessment tools like ASQ and C-SSRS, and training models such as QPR. Students are encouraged to share resources and strategies related to suicide prevention and intervention.
  • The forum Telehealth Feelings and Practices invites students to explore resources like the Department of Health’s telehealth guidelines and the InSocial Work podcast episodes on technology in practice. Students can share their findings or reflect on their thoughts and experiences with telehealth and technology in clinical social work.
  • The forum Key Insights and Lessons from this Course encourages students to reflect on and share significant learning experiences from the class, whether related to course content or personal growth.

While you don’t have to post in all the forums, I expect you to read all the posts across all the forums. Knowing this is the last week of content for this class, and there is Thanksgiving this week, I am extending the deadline to be due next Thursday (e.g., 12/5) at 8 AM.

Reading Quizzes

You have a reading quiz, W-15 Reading Quiz for Cooper and Granucci Lesser (2022) Chapter 13. I am making this due at the same time as the forums, Thursday (12/5) at 8 AM.

A-01: Case Study Paper

Meta: Points 100 pts (20% of final grade); Deadline Monday 12/09/24 at 08:00 AM; Completion via file upload on MyHeritage in the assignments section. In the course syllabus tab, you can find a PDF of the this assignment.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to document direct service implementation at the micro, mezzo, macro levels with a real-life client. The assignment is designed to follow the students as they provide an intervention to a real-world client at their practicum placement. Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to engage in assessment, engagement, service planning, and intervention delivery to address client needs at micro, mezzo, and macro levels. They will be able to show their ability to engage in strong academic writing and link client problems and real-world situations to literature and evidence-based practices.

Task: The case study paper is a key assignment for SOWK 581. The assignment is designed to encompass many aspects of social work practice with individuals, groups, and systems. It seeks to address two competencies from the CSWE (2022) and the specialized practice behaviors defined for the MSW Program. First is an opportunity to demonstrate ethical and professional behavior, which is competency one. This includes examining policy and research and assessing culturally responsive decision-making models. The second EPAS evaluated is competency seven, which is focused on assessment and looks specifically at using advanced methods and adapting assessment based on cultural contexts.

The student’s final product will be an individually submitted report detailing a case study they have engaged in during the semester. The case study spans the process of a student assessing, developing a service delivery plan, and implementing an intervention with an individual client. Students are to use their practicum placement to provide a real-world case study for this assignment that details the work they are doing in their practicum. Because this paper is based on an actual client, names and identifying details must be changed to provide client confidentiality. An informed consent will be signed. Students should be using some of their meetings with their field placement supervisors to talk about the developments in working with this client. Discussion of this supervision and consultation should be included throughout your paper as applicable. Discussion regarding ethical decision-making, making direct connections to the NASW code of ethics or other related reasoning should be identified throughout the paper. The ADEI policy connection section should examine current or historical policies that could impact their client and be considered oppressive and apply an ethical decision-making model to working with their client.

Final papers, excluding the appendix, should be between 10 and 15 pages. They will follow the APA style guide (American Psychological Association, 2020), and include a title page, introduction, ADEI policy connection, client assessment, service plan, intervention description, recommendations, reference, and appendix.

  • Title Page: Should be formatted as an APA student paper.
  • Introduction: The introduction should provide context to the services you have been providing your client. This should include a description of the organization, an overview of the services offered, and general needs addressed in the setting. Discussion of your ethical use of technology related to client records and documentation and your relationship to agency policy should be explained.
  • ADEI Policy Connection: Policy should inform your practice, and the ADEI policy connection section of your final paper will discuss policy and research related to the impact of racism, oppression, violence, and historical trauma. Describe your decision-making model and how you engage in culturally responsive practices related to Latinx, indigenous, or agricultural communities.
  • Client Assessment: The assessment as a document will be included as an appendix. The assessments should gather the information necessary to understand your client’s needs so that a service plan can be developed. This section will include a description of any evaluations conducted, along with a description of the identified problem areas and needs. Some of the identified needs should be related to peer-reviewed literature. The rationale for assessments should be articulated. Students should clarify how their assessment is culturally responsive, and how you adapted the assessment should be included. Connections pertaining to the client’s environment (e.g., family, groups, organization) should be included.
  • Service Planning: The completed service plan form will be included in an appendix. This section should include a general description of the service plan developed collaboratively with your client. Client voice and mutual engagement in the planning process should be described. The rationale for the developed plan and its linkage with peer-reviewed literature should be included in this section. Services plans should consist of at least a description of the problem being addressed, the identified goal, relevant strengths and resources, potential barriers, and tasks. Students should have identified goals at each level of intervention (e.g., micro, mezzo, and macro).
  • Intervention Description: Describe the implementation of your interventions and include a detailed discussion of the student’s engagement with the client. Students should chronicle their use of interpersonal skills to engage the client. The discussion should also include their approach to providing culturally responsive practices and how they were implemented.
  • Recommendations: A description of continued needs to be addressed, and recommendations for continuing or discontinuing services with this client should be provided.
  • Reference: Any references used throughout your paper should be included in the reference section and formatted using APA style.
  • Appendix: Students’ papers should refer to each appendices. At the minimum, students must include a copy of their assessment, service delivery plan, and a progress note example. Students are encouraged to include other items as deemed beneficial to their overall case study.

Success: Students will be assessed using the Case Study Paper and Competency 1 and 7 Rubric. A quality paper will provide a comprehensive overview of your chosen case and an explanatory description of your therapeutic rationale. Students will use solid academic scholarship and follow the assignment description. Students will also demonstrate competency in ethical and professional behavior and assessment methods.

Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

The specialized practice behaviors for Heritage University are as follows:

a. Examine policy and research related to the impact of racism, oppression, violence, and historical trauma to inform ethical practice.
b. Assess culturally responsive advanced decision-making models to address ethical issues and dilemmas in practice with Latinx, Indigenous, and agricultural communities.

Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

The specialized practice behaviors for Heritage University are as follows:

a. Evaluate advanced assessment methods with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
b. Adapt advanced assessment methods through modification of questions, formats, and measurements that reflect diverse cultural contexts.

Case Study Paper and Competency 1 and 7 Practice Behaviors Rubric

The Case Study Paper and Competency 1 and 7 Practice Behaviors Rubric is used to evaluate the overall case study paper students complete in SOWK 581. it serves to parts. First is evaluates Heritage Universities Specialized Practice behavior for ethical and professional practice and assessment. Second it evaluates the assignment looking that the case study is comprehensive, explains how the student developed rapport and connection, uses strong scholarship, and follows the assignment.

Description Initial Emerging Developed Highly Developed
Examination and relation of historical oppression to ethical practice. The case study lacks a discussion of policy and research related to racism, oppression, violence, or historical trauma. There is minimal or no connection between ethical decision-making and these systemic issues. The case study includes some mention of policy or research related to racism, oppression, violence, or historical trauma, but the discussion is incomplete or lacks depth. Ethical decision-making is referenced, but connections to these issues are not consistently clear or well-explained. The case study integrates relevant policy and research on racism, oppression, violence, and historical trauma. The discussion informs ethical decision-making, although certain aspects may lack detail or complexity. The ethical implications are understood but may not be fully explored in relation to systemic issues The case study comprehensively examines policy and research on racism, oppression, violence, and historical trauma. These elements are thoroughly integrated to inform ethical decision-making throughout the case. The student demonstrates deep understanding of how these systemic issues shape practice and provides detailed examples of culturally responsive and ethically sound interventions.
Assessment of culturally responsive decision-making model and relating to historically oppressed populations. The case study lacks assessment or application of culturally responsive decision-making models. Ethical issues or dilemmas are either not addressed or handled without consideration of the specific cultural contexts of Latinx, Indigenous, or agricultural communities. The case study includes some consideration of decision-making models, but they are not clearly linked to ethical dilemmas specific to Latinx, Indigenous, or agricultural communities. Culturally responsive practices are mentioned but lack depth or consistency in application. The case study demonstrates an understanding of advanced decision-making models. Ethical dilemmas are assessed with attention to the specific needs of Latinx, Indigenous, or agricultural communities. Culturally responsive practices are present and generally well-applied, though some areas may lack detailed exploration. The case study thoroughly assesses and applies advanced, culturally responsive decision-making models. Ethical issues and dilemmas are addressed with a deep understanding of the unique cultural and historical contexts of Latinx, Indigenous, and agricultural communities. The student provides clear, well-reasoned examples of how ethical decisions were made and implemented, demonstrating cultural sensitivity and respect throughout the process.
Evaluating advanced assessment methods with diverse populations There is no application of advanced assessment methods. The assessment is generic or incomplete, with little attention to the diversity of the client or contexts. An evaluation of the assessment methods used. It is focused only on the clients’ individual needs and lacks any other context. The case study evaluates and applies advanced assessment methods. It includes most but not all. It does not include all the contexts (e.g., individual, family, group, organization, community) The case study thoroughly evaluates and applies advanced, culturally responsive assessment methods. The assessment is comprehensive and contextually sensitive, providing context to your client’s needs and discussing the needs of interrelated systems, including family, groups, organizations, and communities.
Adaption of assessment to be culturally responsive. There is no modification or adaptation of assessment methods to fit the cultural contexts of diverse clients. Culturally responsive practices seem to be being implemented, but they are not directly described in the case study paper. There is a discussion of adaptations to assessments made. However, the rationale and reflection on this practice do not clearly articulate these parts. The case study includes a specific discussion regarding how they have adapted their assessment methods to be culturally responsive with rationale and reflection on why they made the adaptations and the impact on their work with the client.
The overview of the case study is comprehensive The case study is missing the required sections of the paper. The attached appendices do not provide appropriate or complete clinical documentation The case study includes all the required sections, but the components are underdeveloped. The content lacks sufficient detail for a comprehensive understanding of the case formulation. The case formulation is mostly understandable but may miss detailed insight into specific aspects. The attached appendices provide clinical documentation that is appropriate but may lack some details or refinement. The case study paper includes all of the sections required in the assignment. Each section is thorough and provides details to elaborate on the entire case formulation. The attached appendices clearly demonstrate the student’s ability to provide comprehensive clinical documentation that aligns with the case formulation.
Therapeutic rationale is used throughout the process There is a limited or no rationale for decisions between assessment and intervention, and interventions may not be supported by evidence-informed practice and do not align with client needs. There is a weak or incomplete rationale for service delivery decisions. Some interventions align with the client’s needs, but selected interventions might not follow best practices. There is evident rationale for service delivery interventions. The assessment is connected to the service delivery. The selected interventions are appropriate but lack depth in discussion or clarity in implementation. The case study demonstrates the implementation of effective, ethical, and individualized services for a client. Evidence of sound reasoning between assessment and intervention is provided. Interventions include scientifically sound interventions and are based on the client’s needs. The rationale for decisions is clearly and soundly articulated.
Strong academic scholarship No scholarly sources are used, and/or there is a complete disregard for APA formatting. The writing contains numerous errors in grammar, spelling, and style. The sources used are not from strong academic sources, and there are many problems with formatting. The inclusion of scholarly sources is good, and the general content looks like it is trying to follow APA formatting but lacks consistency in the implementation or has minor formatting errors. The final case study includes strong academic scholarship. There is a connection with evidence-based practices in the discussion through scholarly sources. The writing follows APA guidelines for tone, the format of the paper, and the use of in-text/reference list entries.
Following Assignment The case study does not follow the assignment description and requirements. The case study somewhat follows the assignment description, but significant errors exist. The case study follows the assignment description and requirements but has minor errors. The case study closely follows the assignment description and requirements.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

The Department of Health has many resources related to Telehealth and it’s use/requirements in Washington State. The National Association of Social Workers et al. (2017) jointly published a set of standards of practice for technology in social work. The InSocial Work Podcast also has a number of episodes tagged Technology in Social Work.


Cooper, M. G., & Granucci Lesser, J. (2022). Clinical social work practice: An integrated approach (6th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

National Association of Social Workers, Association of Social Work Boards, Council on Social Work Education, & Clinical Social Work Association. (2017). NASW, ASWB, CSWE, and CSWA Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice. https://www.socialworkers.org/Practice/NASW-Practice-Standards-Guidelines/Standards-for-Technology-in-Social-Work-Practice

To-Do ListsPermalink

  • Read chapter 13 and do the reading quiz
  • Make at least six replies across the any of the forums
  • Work on your case study paper due next week
  • Have a wonderful break
