Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Class 03 Weekly Email

Email sent on to SOWK 590

SOWK 590 Class Header

I know as we get into the flow of this class, I don’t want to bring any confusion. We will be moving to week three’s content this next week and I wanted to share the content for next weeks class. My plan is to post your updated weekly before the weekend so you know what you need to work on. For next Saturday’s class, we are changing the classroom we use for our section and will just stay in RAU (same classroom you are in during the morning). If you haven’t submitted your weekly reflective journal for this week it needs to be submitted prior to Sunday night.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week two is synchronous with having class on Saturday (09/07/24) week for SOWK 590. We will have the following agenda:

  • Practice Learning Reflection Group
  • Mindfulness activity
  • SLED: Self-Care and Burnout Prevention

The learning objectives this week include:

  • Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
  • Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
  • Students will actively practice a mindfulness activity.
  • Students consider self-care/burnout prevention and how they relate to their practice.

Unit Assignments

Weekly Reflective Journals

Complete the W-03 Weekly Reflective Journal by Sunday 09/08/24 at 11:55 PM .

Learning Contracts

You should still be working on your learning contracts. We are wanting to have finalized everybody’s learning contract before 09/15/24. Please let me know when is a time we can meet and review. I will be prioritizing these meeting. They will take place at your practicum site.

Student Led Discussion

If you said you would take on this week, be thinking about some potential questions.

Unit Resources

You can find the learning contract in your SOWK 595 course syllabus handouts. Something to think about as you are developing your learning contract is consider the task the following:

  • Will these tasks provide a good opportunity for the student to learn and demonstrate competency
  • Does the task seem appropriate, reasonable, and clear
  • Is the task directly applied to the specialized practice behavior

You want to provide a clear link to from the practice behavior to what your task is. For examples:

Practice behavior 1b is “Assess culturally responsive advanced decision-making models to address ethical issues and dilemmas in practice with Latinx, Indigenous, and agricultural communities.”

A potential goal that fits each of these parts could include something like:

During at least two of my supervision sessions with < name >, I will present examples of a student I am working with who falls into the categories of either Latinx, Indigenous, or living in an agricultural community and consult with him about my work with that student. I will use our supervision to guide my professional judgment as we discuss implementing culturally responsive practices and decision-making with the reviewed students.

A task that is written like this seems like it would be a good opportunity to learn and demonstrate competency. It provides some specific information about what you will do and can easily be determined if you have done the thing or not (and how well). It is directly applied to the specialized practice behavior.

This week, I will be at the Toppenish campus on Tuesday and at the Kennewick Campus on Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to join my office hours (Tue/Wed 2-3 PM) via Zoom, I will have my personal room open at https://heritage.zoom.us/my/dr.jacob for anybody wanting to drop in.

To-Do Lists

  • Complete your journal entry for week three by Sunday 09/08
  • Develop your learning contract
  • Schedule a learning contract review meeting with me
