Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Class 07 Weekly Email

Email sent on to SOWK 590

SOWK 590 Class Header

I’m looking forward to hearing about the work you are all doing in your practicums this Saturday.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week seven is synchronous with having class on Saturday (10/05/24) week for SOWK 590. We will have the following agenda:

  • SLED: Intersectionality and Identity
  • Mindfulness activity
  • Practice Learning Reflection Group

The learning objectives this week include:

  • Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
  • Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
  • Students will actively practice a mindfulness activity.
  • Students consider intersectionality and identity.

Unit Assignments

Weekly Reflective Journals

Complete the W-07 Weekly Reflective Journal by Sunday 10/06/24 at 11:55 PM.

Monthly Hourly Log

September is over. As you are meeting with your supervisors in the upcoming week or two, please have them sign your hour log so you can submit September Monthly Practicum Hours Log found in the assignment section of SOWK 595 and is due Tuesday 10/15/24 by 5 PM.

Student Led Discussion

If you said you would take on talking about intersectionality and identity this week, be prepared to facilitate a discussion/presentation on this topic with your peers.

Unit Resources

The mindfulness activity we are doing this week will be engaging with Dr. Dan Siegel’s wheel of awareness. You can find the audio and more information on his website. You can find the presentation Fall 2024 SOWk 590 Week 07 - Advanced Seminar I.

Because I go between Toppenish and Tri-Cities and end up have things frequently going on, I made a place that you can also go to check in if I am on campus if you want to connect with me in person (you can still always just text me too). You can find it at https://vsp.ink/now.

You can find all of the lecture videos for SOWK 590. This weeks lecture, [Fall 2024 SOWK 590 (1) - Week 07]().

To-Do Lists

  • Attend seminar
  • Submit your reflective journal
