Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Class 11 Weekly Email

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Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Week 11 is synchronous with having class on Saturday (11/02/24) week for SOWK 590. We will have the following agenda:

  • SLED: Cultural Competence in Practice
  • Mindfulness activity
  • Practice Learning Reflection Group

The learning objectives this week include:

  • Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
  • Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
  • Students will actively practice a mindfulness activity.
  • Students consider cultural competence in practice.

Unit AssignmentsPermalink

Weekly Reflective Journals

Complete the W-11 Weekly Reflective Journal by Sunday 11/03 at 11:55 PM.

Monthly Hourly Log

Submitted your October Monthly Practicum Hours Log, found in the assignment section of SOWK 595 and is due Friday 11/15/24 by 5 PM. Even if I am included an email getting the form back with you signature I want you to upload it onto MyHeritage.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center has their CBT + NOTEBOOK. This is a fabulous resource. I’d encourage you to spend some time reviewing it, it also connects a lot to the work we are doing this week in SOWK 581. We are going to do an activity tangentially related to the turtle technique that they offer for our mindfulness activity during class. I’m pairing this activity with coloring exercise that we will be doing. If you are interested in an interesting literature review related to coloring and mindfulness Mantzis and Giannou (2018) is somewhere you could start. You can find Turtle Technique with Coloring Mandala as an attached handout. You can also find the presentation slides Week 11 - Advanced Seminar I.


Mantzios, M., & Giannou, K. (2018). When did coloring books become mindful? Exploring the effectiveness of a novel method of mindfulness-guided instructions for coloring books to increase mindfulness and decrease anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 56. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00056

To-Do ListsPermalink

  • Submit your journal
  • Submit hour logs by 11/15
  • Come to seminar
