Spring 2024 SOWK 487 Class 04 Weekly Email

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Ok, sorry to get this out to all of you so late. We do have a great class for this week.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

In week four, we continue with our consideration and work on understanding and working with families. You have to do readings to go over outside of the textbook. First, Chovil (2009) a report that helps explain some of the best practices in working with and engaging families. It also provides context to what roles families can play in developing and promoting services. As you read Anderson-Butcher et al. (2004), we will also be the first to focus on the connection that families might have to other types of groups. Next, you can watch a short documentary about services for families, Administration for Children and Families (2015). During class, we will also be spending time talking about potential family roles and some specific tools for doing family work.

The following is the agenda for week four:

  • Specific tools for working with families
  • Dysfunctional family roles
  • Some standard techniques for working with families

Unit Assignments

A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance

Attend Class

A-02: Reading Engagement and Check-in Questions

Complete the reading engagement and check in questions at W-04 A-02 Reading Questions. Again, because I’m posting this so late they are due on Sunday this week.

Unit Resources

I don’t have a citation for where I originally got the Wellness Wheel, but many places use this type of thing. You can see the version we used in class.

This week, you are watching Administration for Children and Families (2015) Building Community, Building Hope. This is an excellent short documentary that is about 20 minutes.

As we talk about supporting families in changing behavior, one of the strategies is operant conditioning. I made a short YouTube video about positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment that you can watch. Changing Problematic Behaviors, Principles of Operant Conditioning that students can watch to get some practical ideas of what this is.

Changing Problematic Behaviors

I made a video about Strengths-Based Engagement with Families that talked about barriers to engagement by families and some strategies for supporting engagement from families.

All of the presentations for this class can be found at https://presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. This week’s slides are at Spring 2024 SOWK 487w Week 04 - Further Practices for Engaging with Families

You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos tab for this course.

Lets Go to The Movies

This Friday (02/09/24) at 7:00 PM, I will host a watch party for Sebold et al. (2007) Red without Blue. I plan to be able to watch the movie together on Zoom. You can join by clicking https://heritage.zoom.us/j/9195559027 or entering 919 555 9027 as the meeting ID into Zoom. You can also watch this on your own. It is due next week, but if you are interested, this would be a fun way to join. You have to bring your own popcorn.


Administration for Children and Families. (2015). Building Community, Building Hope [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/IuSG7MY8pfI

Anderson-Butcher, D., Khairallah, A. O., & Race-Bigelow, J. (2004). Mutual support groups for long-term recipients of TANF. Social Work, 49(1), 131-140. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/49.1.131

Chovil, N. (2009). Engaging families in child & youth mental health: A review of best, emerging and promising practices. The F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids’ Mental Health, 44 pages. https://www.nctsn.org/resources/engaging-families-child-youth-mental-health-review-best-emerging-and-promising-practices

Sebold, B., Sills, B., & Sills, T. (Director). (2007). Red without blue. [Film]. Red Without Blue

To-Do Lists
