In needing a bit of break from more strenuous academic writing, I wanted to do a bit of creative writing activity. I have taken the 27 most recent words of the day from the Look Up. Look Up is an app on iOS and Mac. At least each new sentence has one of the words from the last almost month. Also, note that I took these words in order and have kept them that way. I hope that some of this makes you guffaw.

In these perilous times, during this pandemic, I want to repudiate Donald Trump for how he and some others are managing the crisis. COVID-19 has hit us like a tempest and it is effecting everyone around the world. Trump tends to bloviate frequently, and I can’t watch the daily briefings anymore. Even when he has outright lied, he pretends to be unerring.

If you aren’t already practicing social distancing, you need to make a cessation of going out and being around people as much as possible. I know the days are beautiful, perhaps with a zephyr. To flatten the curve and make it through this, we all need to be percipient. These actions do require an exaction, but it is worth it. The price is the only way that we can rescind all of the potential future pain. By making large and small sacrifices together, we will overcome by accretition positive decision by positive decision. I encourage you recognize the hard road ahead, and in the face of the dangers be phlegmatic but with our loved ones don’t be afraid to share your feelings.

This post might find you, eating your repast alone, but know that we are in this together. It is time for a generation of stentors to rise up and speak to power and support each other. Our world is in a precarious place. I don’t think I can wax panegyric enough to all of the health care heroes. If I could daub all of you a thick coat of my care and appreciation, I would. You go and save lives and watch as people die as you put yourself in quotidian dangers. Many of you work until you are ruddy in the face. You will keep working until we get this crisis to a place of stasis.

When we are through with this crisis, we will come back to a place of concinnity. People will go back to putting ovoid shapes in dogs’ mouths on Tic Tok. I will continue working to become erudite as I study for my Ph.D. I’m sure there will still be fractious political difficulties. But my evocative wish is that we can come together. We don’t have to frolic together in the spume like a corny love story. But… we should be able to agree that we are all in this world together, and just like we all need potable water, we need to be support each other.

When that happens, just like the pangram says, I will ‘pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs,’ so I can continue my jaunt to find a better world.

Definition from LookUp for guffaw Definition from LookUp for repudiate Definition from LookUp for tempest Definition from LookUp for bloviate Definition from LookUp for unerring Definition from LookUp for cessation Definition from LookUp for zephyr Definition from LookUp for percipient Definition from LookUp for exaction Definition from LookUp for rescind Definition from LookUp for accretion Definition from LookUp for phlegmatic Definition from LookUp for repast Definition from LookUp for stentor Definition from LookUp for precarious Definition from LookUp for panegyric Definition from LookUp for daub Definition from LookUp for quotidian Definition from LookUp for ruddy Definition from LookUp for stasis Definition from LookUp for concinnity Definition from LookUp for ovoid Definition from LookUp for erudite Definition from LookUp for fractious Definition from LookUp for evocative Definition from LookUp for spume Definition from LookUp for potable Definition from LookUp for pangram Definition from LookUp for jaunt
This is all of the images for the last 27 words of the days from the LookUp app.
