Fall 2020 SOWK 486 Class 09 & 10 Weekly Email

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General info to share

Unit Introduction and What You Will LearnPermalink

Planning is an important part of the process for working with clients. Like the old adage goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” There is a lot we can do to help our clients plan, and even the process of teaching them to plan can have positive longterm impacts. Today we are going to spend time looking at goals, cognitive distortions, and practice going through an eight step process for planning.

Unit ResourcesPermalink

This week I would like you all to watch a 17 minute TEDx talk from Dr. Burns in 2014 titled Feeling Good. It is about his journey of deciding to use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques.

The slides for week 10 can found on presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. This weeks presentation is at SOWK 486 Week 10: Planning

The slides for last week is at SOWK 486 Week 09: Assessments Continued

All of the lectures can from class can be found in Lectures, and this week can be seen at WK 486 Week 09 - Assessments Part 2

Unit AssignmentsPermalink

A-01: Synchronous Class EngagementPermalink

Attend class

A–02: Asynchronous Class Engagement - How I plan FlipgridPermalink

The FlipGrid activity, W-10 “How I Plan” is due Sunday 11/01/20 at 11:55 PM via flipgrid .

Purpose: To offer the opportunity for students to share and hear from their peers about ways that they do planning. This is to both have the conceptualize their own process and gain some new ideas in planning.

Task: Students will record a short video via flipgrid that talks about how they think about planning. The following are some potential prompts. It is not required to talk about all of these, but meant to provide a jumping off point:

  • How you do planning for your school projects or life activities
  • What types of systems you use in thinking about planning
  • Are there tools (maybe a planner, color coding… etc) that you use in doing some planning
  • Do you have any organizational techniques that might be helpful for other students
  • Other resources you think are important for people thinking about planning

Criterion for Success: Students will offer a discussion about their methods for planning and watch other students videos.

A–03: Reading QuizPermalink

Complete reading quiz for chapters 12 and 13 is due at 5:30 PM before class via My Heritage

To Do ListsPermalink

  • A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
  • A–02: Asynchronous Class Engagement How I plan due Sunday 11/01/20 at 11:55 PM via flipgrid
  • A–03: Reading Quiz for chapters 12 and 13 is due at 5:30 PM before class via My Heritage
