Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Class 02 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 487
I hope that you have all had a wonderful long holiday and were able to spend some time today thinking about Martin Luther King Jr and the topic of social justice that is so related to social work.
Week two is all about the theoretical and philosophical foundations of working with groups. We review content from Tosland (2017) Chapter 1 - Group Dynamics, Tropman (2017) Chapter 2 - An Ecological/Systems/Seven C’s Perspective on Groups and Smith et al. (2017) Chapter 3 - Social Group Work in a Global Context. We discuss an overview of working with groups, group dynamics, and group roles during this review. We also participate in online group experience.
The agenda for this week is as follows:
- Overview of working with groups
- Group dynamics and roles
- Tools and strategies in groups
Toseland, R. W. (2017). Chapter 01 - Group dynamics. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky (Eds.) Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 9-27). The Guilford Press.
Tropman, J. E. (2017). Chapter 02 - An ecological/systems/seven c’s perspective on group practice. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky (Eds.) Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 28-42). The Guilford Press.
Smith, R., Bucchio, J., & Turnage, B. F. (2017). Chapter 03 - Social group work in a global context. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky (Eds.) Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 43-54). The Guilford Press.
Unit ResourcesPermalink
You need to read Chapter 1-3 in the texbook
During this class session you will need the following:
- Talking piece (any opject you can hold up when you would like to speak)
The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Week 02 - Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations to Groups part I
Unit AssignmentsPermalink
A-01: Synchronous Class EngagementPermalink
Attend Class
A-02: Asynchronous Class EngagementPermalink
Meta: Points 5 points (1.25% of your final grade); Deadline Initial Post du by Friday 01/22/21 at 11:55 PM and two replies due Sunday 01/24/21 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Class Forums A-02 W-02 “Description of characteristic of a population”
Purpose: During the second half of the semester, students will write about evidence-based practices for doing groups with a specific population.
Task: Toseland (2017) describes the domains of group dynamics as including (1) communication processes and interaction patterns, (2) interpersonal attraction and cohesion, (3) social integration and influence, (4) power and control, and (5) culture. Students will pick one of these areas and make connections to a population that they see themselves working in. Write about what you might expect to see in working with that population-related to these topics.
Criterion for Success: Students will post a discussion forum post on time, which is a couple of paragraphs in length. They will use strong academic writing and proper citations.
Toseland, R. W. (2017). Chapter 01 - Group dynamics. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky (Eds.) Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 9-27). The Guilford Press.
To Do ListsPermalink
- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
- A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement Description of characteristic of a population due Friday 01/22/21 at 11:55 PM and two replies due Sunday 01/24/21 at 11:55 PM via My Heritage Class Forums
- Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 1-3