Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Class 10 Weekly Email

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I hope that everybody had a wonderful spring break! I’m looking forward to seeing you all in person for class.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week 10, we get the opportunity to continue talking about the two main types of therapeutic groups; looking at groups that work from a cognitive-behavioral framework is a foundation for many therapeutic groups and individual clinician’s practices. To help provide context, we will be reviewing several different curricula during class.

The agenda for this week is as follows:

  • Group Intervention Pitch
  • Curriculum used with cognitive-behavioral group work
  • Phases of the group process
  • Implementation of CBGW group

Unit Resources

You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 8

This week there are again a number of handouts that we will be spending some time reviewing. The ones you need in class I will have printed and ready for you. I’m uploading them, as it might be helpful to have saved them and looked over them a little bit. In the course of our discussion of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Work I wanted to offer some examples of what the manuals can look like. You will be broken up into groups and given a chance to read “thumb through” the material and talk about it together.

We will also review a tool that I have frequently used with clients, Using Grounding To Detach From Emotional Pain.

The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 10 - Group Practice Models - Cognitive Behavioral Group Work

View Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 10 - Group Practice Models - Cognitive Behavioral Group Work.

Unit Assignments

A-01: Class Attendance and Engagement

Attend Class

Assignment 03a: Group Intervention Pitch

While it is same information that is in the syllabus, I have made a handout for Assignment 03a: Group Intervention Pitch

Assignment Overview: Worth 200 points or 40% of the student’s final grade, the community group facilitation activity is an opportunity for students to practice their skills at group work. Students will plan and implement group intervention in a community setting working in small teams. Each member will also author a reflective paper about the experience. Students can determine the location of their group. In previous years, students have often facilitated groups at the Boys and Girls Club, in the Bridges Program within the Pasco School District, a community center, an assisted living facility, and others. If students need support in finding a location, please follow up with the instructor. The group’s content should not be overly deep and come from a cognitive-behavioral group work framework. The group can be therapeutic in nature, but the content should be more instructional. The other team members can help as co-facilitators, but each member should have sufficient experience in facilitating the group. The assignment has three graded parts: the group intervention pitch, group member feedback, and a reflective paper.

Meta: Points 50 pts (10% of final grade); Deadline Week 10 (03/21/22); Completion During the class session;

Purpose: The purpose of the pitch is to provide a deadline for planning the group intervention for the student and for the instructor to feel confident in the student’s plan.

Task: Each group will make a short informal pitch for the group they plan to facilitate during the 10th-week class session (03/21/22). As a group, students will share with their classmates their plan to implement their group (i.e., when and where) and the content they will do for their groups. These presentations should not be longer than five minutes.

Criterion for Success: Students will have a plan for facilitating their group. Students will be graded as 0 = no plan, 25 = has a plan and appears moderately prepared, and 50 points has a plan and appears ready to facilitate the group.

To Do Lists

  • A-01:Class Attendance and Engagement Attend class
  • Assignment 03a: Group Intervention Pitch due during class
  • Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapter 8
  • Midterm Grades Due Wednesday 03/23/22 at 5:00 PM by the instructor
