Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Class 11 Weekly Email

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Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday! No reading quiz this week, although there is a journal article for you to consider reading.

Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week 11 continues our work in Week 10 Social Work Planning. This week, we will focus on cognitive distortions and addressing them, primarily through the context of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). We will also examine crisis planning, how we document our plans, and task management. The plan is as follows:

  • Talk about cognitive distortions and cognitive restructuring
  • The planning process in crisis
  • Documenting our plans
  • Task Management

Unit Assignments

Attend class

Unit Resources

We will be talking some about documentation. Reamer provides a useful description of what social workers should be thinking about in regards to documentation. He reports about six primary functions of documentation. These include:

(1) assessment and planning; (2) service delivery; (3) continuity and coordination of services; (4) supervision; (5) service evaluation; and (6) accountability to clients, insurers, agencies, other providers, courts, and utilization review bodies. (Reamer, 2005, p. 326)

I would recommend student take some time and review the article and consider how it will impact their documentation (see article Reamer (2005) Documentation in social work).

We also watch a short talk by Burns (2014) during class that is a pretty powerful story. If you are interested in finding it later you can see it at Feeling good - David Burns - TEDxReno. There are also handouts Fixing Cognitive Distortions and Goal Planning and Progress Note that I will be printing and bringing for use in class.

The slides for this week can be found at presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. This week is Fall 2023 SOWK 486 - Week 11 - Lab Day - Planning and Implementing Change-Oriented Strategies.

You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos for this course. You can find [Fall 2023 SOWK 486w 1 - Week 11]().

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Reamer, F. G. (2005). Documentation in social work: evolving ethical and risk-management standards. Social Work, 50(4), 325-334. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/50.4.325

TEDx Talks. (2014). Feeling good - David Burns - TEDxReno [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/H1T5uMeYv9Q

To Do Lists
