Spring 2024 SOWK 487 Class 07 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 487
I’m still developing the content for class on Wednesday. I should hopefully upload it before class.
Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn
During week seven, we continue to focus on group work and group dynamics. We will briefly return to the topic of family therapeutic models as groups will complete their presentations for their Family Treatment Modality Research Presentations. The reading content this week includes Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (2014) Section 1, which presents a model for psychoeducational groups.
The agenda for week seven includes the following:
- Completing student presentations
- Content TBD
Unit Assignments
- Read Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (2014) Section 1
A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance
Attend Class
A-02: Reading Engagement and Check-in Questions
Complete the reading engagement and check-in questions at W-07 A-02 Reading Questions, which is due Wednesday, 02/28/24 at 5:30 PM. It is a couple of questions about the content in the assigned reading.
Assignment 03: Family Treatment Modality Research Presentation
Meta: Points 100 pts (20% of final grade); Deadline Wednesday 02/28/24 during class; Completion Students will complete their group presentations during class. You can find Assignment Description and Rubric and the Assignment Page.
Purpose: This assignment aims for students to research a given topic collaboratively to understand the empirical evidence around a specific modality of family treatment. It is also hoped that students will improve their ability to find and understand peer-reviewed research journals and use scholarly writing techniques. The presentation opens up a suitable occasion for students to practice making an academic presentation and discussing scholarly topics.
Task: Students will be placed into groups of three or four peers to complete a research project regarding an evidence-based treatment modality for family or marital therapy. Students may select any intervention. The following are examples of empirically supported family therapeutic interventions: Jim Alexander’s Functional Family Therapy, Howard Liddle’s Multidimensional Family Therapy, Scott Henggler’s Multisystemic Therapy, Jose Szapocznik’s Brief Strategic Family Therapy, and Attachment-Based Family Therapy.
The presentation’s content would follow a format similar to a written article discussing a therapeutic intervention. It should include at least the following:
- Description and history of the treatment modality
- Treatment implementation and common techniques
- Research findings regarding efficacy
- Strengths and limitations of the selected treatment
- References
The presentation should take approximately 10–15 minutes. There is no set minimum number of articles you should draw from (but it should be in the range of 5-10).
Success: Students will provide an informative presentation about the therapeutic intervention. Grading will be based on the informational presentation rubric. Grades for the assignment will be included in the midterm grades submission, which must be posted by the instructor by Wednesday, 03/20/24 at 5:00 PM.
Unit Resources
Students will read Circle of Hope: A Guide for Conducting Psychoeducational Support Groups (2nd ed.) which is by Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (2014). They only have to read the first section of the guide.
I really value feedback about how the classes I teach are going. There are two opportunities each semester, in the middle of the semester (e.g., now!) and the end, to provide feedback about the course. I do read this and have an honest desire to be the best teacher I can be. I’d be grateful if you would consider completing the Spring 2024 Midterm Feedback for SOWK 487 Survey.
All of the presentations for this class can be found at https://presentations.jacobrcampbell.com.
You can find the recording of all of our classes in the lecture videos tab for this course.
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs. (2014). Circle of hope: A guide for conducting psychoeducational support groups (2nd ed.). 111 pages. https://www.wcsap.org/sites/default/files/uploads/working_with_survivors/support_groups/Circle_of_Hope_2014.pdf
To-Do Lists
- A-01: Class Engagement and Participation Attend class
- A-02: W-07 Reading Questions is due before class.
- Read Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (2014) section 1
- A-03: Group Presentations are due during class.
- Complete the Spring 2024 Midterm Feedback for SOWK 487 Survey