Photo of Jacob Campbell sitting at a table grading papgers while in Cusco Peru.
A photo of me grading papers for my students from UNSAAC in Cusco

Hi, My name is Jacob Rodman Campbell V.S.P. (the V.S.P. is on my birth certificate and stands for “Very Special Person”). I’m a lot of things, the least of which is a web / graphic designer (it’s really just a hobby for me). I have a couple of jobs and am super involved in a lot of things. You can check out my CV (kind of like a resume). I really am an advocate for people in need (especially at risk youth, you can check out my story because I was one).

Contact Form for JacobPermalink

Silhouette of a bird taken in Brazil
A photo I took when I was in Brazil of a sillhouette of a bird.

I can sometimes be bad at responding to people via email, message me at on Twitter @campjacob to connect with me. But if you really would like to send me an email, I do enjoy reading them.

Social Media ListPermalink

If you are interested in connecting with me in social media, here is a list of links. I will warn you, that I don’t add everybody onto every service. I change what my social media preferences are as well, so it might be different in the future, but here is a list:

The places I use most frequently are:

I also use a bit less frequently