Hi, My name is Jacob Rodman Campbell V.S.P. (the V.S.P. is on my birth certificate and stands for “Very Special Person”). I’m a lot of things, the least of which is a web / graphic designer (it’s really just a hobby for me). I have a couple of jobs and am super involved in a lot of things. You can check out my CV (kind of like a resume). I really am an advocate for people in need (especially at risk youth, you can check out my story because I was one).
Contact Form for JacobPermalink

I can sometimes be bad at responding to people via email, message me at on Twitter @campjacob to connect with me. But if you really would like to send me an email, I do enjoy reading them.
Social Media ListPermalink
If you are interested in connecting with me in social media, here is a list of links. I will warn you, that I don’t add everybody onto every service. I change what my social media preferences are as well, so it might be different in the future, but here is a list:
The places I use most frequently are:
I also use a bit less frequently