I absolutely love doing anything outdoors, and one of my favorite things I do every year (hopefully a couple of times this year), is being able to get some people I care about and getting out on the river and just floating. It’s slow, but to me it is so relaxing and a beautiful experience (even if we don’t get out of the water until it late in the evening.

You can see this on my website, Floating the River - Summer Fun or on the GoPro Sharing Service - Floating the River.

Snapchat image of a Tree Filled with Lost Items Photo of river with floating cooler Photo of the river at sunset Photo of the river with a Bokeh with the inner-tube in the foreground
Some selected photos from us floating the river. Being on the river at sunset is one of my favorite reasons to float the river, even if we don’t get out until it’s completely dark.

Soundtrack: KRANE - Daylight
Shot on my Hero Black and my iPhone 10.
