Spring 2020 SOWK 460 Class 03 Weekly Email

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Greetings from California. I’m enjoying my week long intensive for my Ph.D. program here in San Francisco. It’s been a wonderful experiences getting to engage with other scholars, hearing about others research, and playing with ideas for my own professional and academic development. This is a reminder that we do not have class tonight and we will meet again next Monday. With the weird kind of schedule, your assignments are due this Sunday. You should be working through the Assignment 03: CITI Research Ethics and Compliance Training. Some of you have emailed me your confirmation, my preference would be that you upload it to My Heritage. There is an assignment on My Heritage that you can upload the certificate to, or a screenshot/picture showing that you have completed. You also have three readings (chapters one, two, and three) that you should be completing this week and there are three separate reading quizzes (one for each chapter) that are available on My Heritage. With me being out of town, it is set up a bit weird so don’t forget that while those assignments are due this Sunday on Monday before class you should have completed the next set of readings and complete the reading quizzes, so there is a quick turn around.

Have a wonderful week, and I will see you all next week.
