Spring 2020 SOWK 460 Class 14 Weekly Email - Cancel Class
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I hope you are all well. I am canceling class for tonight. I have been struggling with a respiratory thing (not COVID-19 as far as I’m aware). Last week it got worse and I did a tele health appoint last Monday and got prescribed an inhailer. This week I have been struggling more shortness of breath and fatigue. I went to urgent care today, and they did a chest X-Ray and did not find any pneumonia which is great. I just haven’t been feeling very well and my energy is pretty low. It actually feels really reliving too have gone… I have kept not wanting to because I’m afraid of getting exposed. We will meet next week and I can be available to help meet with / support any of you if you want to call / text me - (509) 392-1056.
Got some more prescriptions and have started taking a medication which should help me quit smoking (which might be a giant blessing based on all of this). You should still read chapter 13. I haven’t posted the quiz but should be able to by tonight. I’m going to make it extra credit for people who complete it.
Stay safe out there and hope you are all doing well.