Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Class 12 Weekly Email

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Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn

Week 12 is to focus on completing your group chat assignment. During this week the following are the objectives.

Week 12 Objectives

  • Practice using the Essential Steps to discuss ethical dilemmas
  • Understand the instructions for the Group Case Study Assignment
  • Apply Essential Steps to Group Case Study Assignment

Unit Assignments


A–01: Asynchronous Participation and Engagement

For week 12, there are three replies required for forums this week. We will have our last flip video next week as we move into talking about supervision.

A-04: Ethical Decision-Making Case Study Group Chat

Meta: Points 75 points (12% of total points); Deadline Sunday 11/13/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments as an uploaded document. A-04: Ethical Decision-Making Case Study Group Chat There is a handout with group assignments that can be viewed. You can find a PDF description of just this assignment. You can also find a copy of the Case Study for A–04 Ethical Decision-Making Group Chat.

Purpose: The Group Chat and Ethical Case Discussion assignment is used for students to provide evidence of the skill of discussing a case example using an ethical framework. The project is completed online via a chat feature to capture your real-time contributions to the discussion.

Task: Students will be assigned a group with three or four members. Students should arrange a time to meet online with their designated group to complete this assignment. In advance, select software that will allow you to have an instant message conversation. The software needs to have a way to print the conversation you had together so you can save the conversation as a PDF. Consider web apps you can access on your computer, such as Google Chat, WhatsApp, etc. You should do a test run before your planned meeting to work out any technical issues.

During the chat, you will review a case study (this can be accessed in the assignment description) and discuss the ethical issues using the NASW Essential Steps for Ethical Problem-Solving Framework. You will focus on Steps 1-4 and will be expected to reference specific standards from the NASW Code of Ethics.

Before you begin the chat, make sure that the following items are in place:

  • Each person has reviewed the case study and has made personal notes to refer to throughout the discussion. Your contributions will be much more substantive the more you have prepared.
  • Each person has access to a copy of the NASW Code of Ethics.
  • Each person has access to a copy of the Essential Steps.
  • Plan for at least 1 hour, and please make sure your chat length is at least 30 minutes.

This assignment is related to this course’s assignment five. While it does not use the same rubric, the same type of content is expected. Students are encouraged to review A-05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper for further insight into the material to include in your discussion.

Success: One group member will submit a copy of the chat they had with their group. Grades for this assignment will be based on both group and individual participation. Grades will be assessed using the Ethical Decision-Making Case Study Group Chat Rubric. The group portion looks at their ability to follow the assignment guidelines, the thoroughness of the discussion, and the critical analysis that happens in the chat. Individuals will also be scored related to their level of contribution to the dialog.

Unit Resources

The NASW Code of Ethics (2021) is available online and in your textbook and is helpful in your discussion about the case examples. In addition, there are three case studies this week to go through again that all come from a previous version of your textbook, Reamer (2006). The PDFs of these documents are below as handouts. You can also see the Essential Steps for Ethical Decision Making on the National Association of Social Workers - Massachusetts Chapter (n.d.) website.

Your reading this week is from a booklet published by Paul and Elder (2006) The Thinker’s Guide to Understanding the Foundations of Ethical Reasoning. I also have you read Redmond’s (2019) article Inside Rikers Island: A Social Worker’s Hellish Account.

This week you are completing A-04: Ethical Decision-Making Case Study Group Chat. You can see a handout of the group assignments. You can also see the Case Study for A–04 Ethical Decision-Making Group Chat.


National Association of Social Workers - Massachusetts Chapter (n.d.) Essential steps for ethical problem-solving. https://www.naswma.org/page/100/Essential-Steps-for-Ethical-Problem-Solving.htm

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). NASW code of ethics. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). The thinker’s guide to understanding the foundations of ethical reasoning: Based on critical thinking concepts & tools (2nd ed.). Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Reamer, F. (2006) Ethical standards in social work: A review of the NASW code of ethics (2nd Ed.). NASW Press.

Redmond, H. (2019, March 8). Inside Rikers Island: A social worker’s hellish account. Filter. https://filtermag.org/inside-rikers-island-a-social-workers-hellish-account/

Week 12 Checklist

  • Read the rest of the content from 2006 booklet by Paul and Elder.
  • Arrange with your group (see group assignments below) to schedule 2 hours to complete assignment together. It likely won’t take that long, but a two hour window might be necessary.
  • Have one member of your group turn in the transcript of your chat for the Group Case Study Assignment by Sunday 11/13/22 at 11:55 PM.
  • Make at least three responses to the discussion forums on two separate days. Try to submit the first one earlier on in the week.
  • Read all the threads and your classmates responses.
  • Have a great week!
