Spring 2025 SOWK 591 Class 01 Weekly Email
Email sent on to SOWK 591
I hope that you all had a great break and are excited to be for this semester. Let me know if there is anything you need and I will see you all on Saturday.
Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn
The advanced seminar two a continuation of SOWK 590 from last semester. It is an opportunity to reflect on your learning from your practicum placement. In this first session, we will check in with review updates to the practicum manual and the course syllabus for the spring semester. We will do a mindfulness activity focused on setting intention for the semester and check in with how people’s practicum is going.
During our in-person session, the following is the agenda:
- Review Updated Practicum Manual and Syllabus
- Mindfulness activity
- Practice Learning Reflection Group
The learning objectives this week include:
- Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
- Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
- Students will actively practice setting intention, an important aspect of mindfulness.
Unit Assignments
Attendance and In-Class Participation
Attend class on Saturday.
Weekly Reflective Journals
Complete the W-01 A-02 Reflective Journal by Sunday Night.
Unit Resources
The UPDATED practicum manual is an essential reference as you are going through your practicum experience. Inside the Course Syllabus page, you can find several other downloads. One significant component of this class is your weekly reflective journals. You can find a completed example version along with the Student Practicum Journal Form. There is a copy of the Spring 2025 SOWK 591 (1) Adv Seminar II Syllabus - Campbell.
All of the presentations for this class can be found at https://presentations.jacobrcampbell.com. This week’s slides are are Spring 2025 SOWK 591 Week 01 - Advanced Seminar II.
You can find all of the videos for this course in Lecture Videos.
To-Do Lists
- Attend class
- Review the syllabus and forms
- Think about your intentions this semester
- Complete W-01 Weekly Reflective Journal