Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Class 12 Weekly Email
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Hey, I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple of hours. It should be a pretty interactive and learning filled class.
Unit Introduction and What You Will Learn
Week 12 moves into a two-part series of looking at groups that we complete focused on different populations. The first week has readings from Ruffolo and Maker (2017) dive into group work focused on mental health. As we know, many of the groups that social workers end up facilitating include involuntary participants. Rooney and Chovanec (2017) offer many suggestions on how to succeed with this population. Finally, Malekoff (2017) talks about strength-based practices with youth, and Rittner (2017) looks specifically at child welfare. We will be talking about bits and pieces of doing group work with each of these populations during class. We will also be doing a participatory activity out of Aggression Replacement Training.
Malekoff, A. (2017). Chapter 15 - Strengths-based group work with children and adolescents. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 255-270). The Guilford Press.
Rittner, B. (2017). Chapter 16 - Group work in child welfare. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 271-286). The Guilford Press.
Rooney, R., & Chovanec, M. (2017). Chapter 14 - Involuntary groups. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 237-254). The Guilford Press.
Ruffolo, M. C., & Maker, C. M. (2017). Chapter 13 - Evidence-based group work in mental health practice. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 220-236). The Guilford Press.
Unit Resources
You need to read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 13-16
Some of the handouts that will be used during class include the following:
- WhyTry Learning Activity - Keys to Staying on Track
- Aggression Replacement Training - Thinking Errors
- Aggression Replacement Training - Reggie’s Problem Situation
- Aggression Replacement Training - Reggie’s Problem Situation Leader
- Aggression Replacement Training - Moral Reasoning Form
The presentation slides can be viewed through Notist on my website, where you can download them and follow along during class. Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 12 - Group Work Approaches Related to Setting I
View Spring 2022 SOWK 487 Week 12 - Group Work Approaches Related to Setting I.
While it isn’t due until week 14, if you haven’t started Assignment 04: Research Paper to Inform Group Practice, it is due Friday 04/22/22 at 11:55 PM and it would be time to get started on it.
Unit Assignments
A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance
Attend Class
To Do Lists
- A-01: Class Engagement and Attendance Attend class
- A-04: Research Paper to Inform Group Practice if you haven’t started yet, you should be working on this over the next couple of weeks.
- Read Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 13-16