Speaking of Speaking, a Busy Week
Posted on Saturday November 16, 2013 by Jacob Campbell.
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cities Community Health Behavioral Health Services, we are starting a group on Becoming Parents with Love and Logic. We haven’t done groups for a while, and I’ve never facilitated this course before, so I spent most of the weekend getting ready for the group. It went really well. That evening I had another event I was speaking at.
Almost a year ago, I transitioned to using a mac. A couple of months ago, i found out about these things called mac user groups. It’s kind of geeky, but it has been kind of cool. The Mid Columbia Macintosh User Group meets in Kennewick. I’ve been very lucky to speak at a lot of events, regarding a lot of topics. This was the first time that I’ve been able to talk to about technology stuff. I’m hoping to have more opportunities in the future. You can download a copy my Overview of Alfred Keynote from my presentation or see it below.
On Thursday the Pasco Discovery Coalition did a Town Hall and Resource Fair Event at Ochoa Middle School. It was pretty great. We had about 37 different community organizations! It was fun to prepare for and to put on. You can download a copy of the PDC Town Hall 2003 Keynote from my presentation or see it below. You can also see the various photos uploaded to the Pasco Discovery Coalition’s Facebook Town Hall & Resource Fair 2013.
Tonight is Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery’s Beggars Banquet. Work has been absolutely beyond crazy busy for me, so it’s been a pretty crazy week. We decided not to go tonight, which is too bad, because it would have been a great event.