Informational Resources

I’ve compiled a number of different resources over the years. Much of it is academic writing or notes that I took either while I was studying for my Bachelors in Social Work (BASW) and my Masters in Social Work (MSW) while I was studying at Eastern Washington University back in 2007-2009. I’m also including a number of essays and other resources from working on Ph.D. in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies that I started in 2019. This page should include links to all of those resources. Make sure to check out my blog for more of my non academic writing. Although there are some presentations that I gave earlier on in my career, more of my talks and presentations that I give while teaching or at other events are posted in the presentation section of my website.

Academic EssaysPermalink

I have written a number of different essays that that can be viewed. They are on a number of different topics, mostly my writing for while I am working on my Ph.D. in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral studies. The following is a list of all of the essays in my resources.

Academic ArticlesPermalink

There are number of academically focused articles that I have posted on my website. They are on a number of different topics, mostly focused on social work. The following is a list of all of the articles in my resources.

Informational ResourcesPermalink

I have written a number of different posts from various notes I took during my studies, or presentations I have given that that can be viewed. They are on a number of different topics, mostly focused on social work. They include research methods informational resources, the direction program evaluation, presentations and handouts, and other informational resources.

Research Methods Informational ResourcesPermalink

Research methods is a difficult subject for a number of students and practitioners. It can be scary to dive into for some, and it’s topics can be challenging. My post, Research Methods & Evidence Based Practice, gives a good overview of research and many of the article included. The following would a list of the various resources that pertain to research methods.

Directions Program Evaluation Informational ResourcesPermalink

My Master’s Degree Terminal Project was an in-depth program evaluation. There are a number of resources related to it, if you are interested in seeing how a program evaluation can be put together. The Overview of The Crisis Residential Center’s Directions Program Evaluation: For the 2006-2008 Financial Grant Years Study is a good place to start and includes a great broad perspective of the entire project. You can also see a list of all of the articles and informational resources below:

As well, you can see the actual final articles about the program evaluation as well.

Presentations And Handouts Informational ResourcesPermalink

There are various resources that can be found that are either presentations I previously completed or handouts that are associated with them. You can see the presentations listed:

You can see the handouts listed:

Other Informational ResourcesPermalink

There are also a couple other informational posts that don’t necessarily fit anywhere else. They are as follows: