Building Services for My Students: Helping to Share Information and Connections
It might not be the best idea to always do the extra, but is it worth it?
It might not be the best idea to always do the extra, but is it worth it?
I had the privilege of contributing an article to Heritage University’s inaugural newsletter for Fall 2024! The whole issue is packed with warm messages, hig...
My mom got an award named after her, such a awesome thing!
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
This presentation is the slides used during my doctoral defense at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in the Transformative Studies Departme...
I’m defending my dissertation
I’ve been playing around with moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I wanted to create a shared form to collect other social workers’ user information, to help in...
Learn how to prioritize what type of source to use in academic writing.
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
A remembrance video for my concuñada Patricia del Villar Martinez
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
A short documentary-style interview with my kids looking at how they envision a more sustainable world.
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Medication can help us to make it through really challenging situations
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
I’ve been working really hard to create something and I wanted to share it with people.
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Another great Pixar movie that made me think, so sharing some connections with the topic of flow.
Story about releasing our pet turtle.
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
Some creative writing using the last 27’s words of the day from the Look Up app to talk about the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
A stop motion film that I made for my mom with my kids as an activity during quarantine.
Have you wondered what implementing a strengths perspective is and how it works. How is using a strengths-based approach different to more conventional appro...
The start of a book review on Fox’s Creativity, but more of a dive into my history in faith and my current standing.
Another short video filmed in February of 2019 playing in the snow.
A short video of going sledding with some of my kids last year (2019).
A short book review of Zolli and Healy (2012) Resilience: Why things bounce back
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
An infographic that I created reviewing some of the Barron, Montuori, and Barron’s book Creators on Creating
I posted an essay about creative inquiry and this post describes what creative inquiry is and links to it.
Picking a good research topic is challenging and important task that students, social workers, and teachers have to do. How do we go figuring out what we sho...
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
A short video and some photos from a recent short adventure floating down the river.
An update about some of current habits and my latest audio book series I just finished listening to, the Red Queen
A little bit of background and my experience around Guiding Good Choices and the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14.
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
All of the areas that privilege seems to be coming up in my life these days.
It feels like Spring is finally hear. We went to the Duck Pond at Columbia Park and fed the Ducks.
Social workers all wear a number of different hats, or function in a number of different roles for their practice. In this video we talk about 15 different r...
Mutual Aid groups are useful for all different types of needs, includes families of youth who have special needs.
One evidence-based method for addressing difficult and disruptive behaviors whether at school or home is through reinforcing the behaviors that we want to se...
A look into how to address Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the perspectives of clinicians, parents, and schools.
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
With the hard drive on my MacBook Pro out of commission, and that over the last year I’ve completely changed how I manage data storage, I figured it was time...
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
Mateo has been growing super fast over the last year. I put together a video showing his growth over the last year in iPhoto. I looked at a bunch of differen...
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
I mainly am making a Christmas wish list on here for my family, so that they can see some of the things I would be happy to receive for Christmas. I am by no...
Made in the Diptic App on my mac. Wintertime DIY Painted Mirror
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
Mateo the Old Man: DIY Old Man Halloween Costume
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
It’s The Great Pumpkin Mateo Campbell
A photo of my finished giant growth chart DIY project complete with some photos of Mateo pasted on it.
This is a photo that I took of one of the toy’s that Mateo always throws on the ground while Minnie and I are sitting at the table and eating dinner.
This is a photo that I took from the alley way. I found out a couple of weeks after that this sign was still up after somebody rang out doorbell wanting to ...
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
The head section of our 2011 Christmas Newsletter.
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
Job Well Done
I have been been doing graphic and web design stuff for the last several years. It all started with an original blogspot website . My friends all started pos...
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
On Friday, I got the opportunity to go to Safe Harbor’s annual Beggars Banquet. It was a really great event, and so much bigger then I’ve seen it. It had bee...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This last weekend was really fun. I got the opportunity to go to the 2010 Tri-Cities Wine Festival held at t...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
I think that creativity and ideas are everywhere for us, we just have to tap into them. It also seems that it is easy to come up with ideas about things to s...
Other then the job hunt, I’ve been spending some time online working on my website. Well, actually (not consistently) for the last several weeks I’ve been tr...
A photoshoped designed logo for my job search. As I’ve been back in the US, I’ve been looking for a job. I feel kind of like Elmer Fudd and never finding my...
Some background
Ready to Roll
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
SOA style Happy Birthday Graphic for Minnie
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
Yes, I have the Travel Bug. A graphic I quickly put together in Adobe Illustrator depicting the words “Travel Bug” and some other graphics taken from All Fr...
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
With the hard drive on my MacBook Pro out of commission, and that over the last year I’ve completely changed how I manage data storage, I figured it was time...
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
Mateo has been growing super fast over the last year. I put together a video showing his growth over the last year in iPhoto. I looked at a bunch of differen...
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
I mainly am making a Christmas wish list on here for my family, so that they can see some of the things I would be happy to receive for Christmas. I am by no...
Made in the Diptic App on my mac. Wintertime DIY Painted Mirror
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
Mateo the Old Man: DIY Old Man Halloween Costume
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
It’s The Great Pumpkin Mateo Campbell
A photo of my finished giant growth chart DIY project complete with some photos of Mateo pasted on it.
This is a photo that I took of one of the toy’s that Mateo always throws on the ground while Minnie and I are sitting at the table and eating dinner.
This is a photo that I took from the alley way. I found out a couple of weeks after that this sign was still up after somebody rang out doorbell wanting to ...
Overview of the Book
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
Official Birth Announcement
A photo of Minnie at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland and our baby Mateo Rodman Campbell, VSP.
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
The head section of our 2011 Christmas Newsletter.
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
Job Well Done
I have been been doing graphic and web design stuff for the last several years. It all started with an original blogspot website . My friends all started pos...
On Friday, I got the opportunity to go to Safe Harbor’s annual Beggars Banquet. It was a really great event, and so much bigger then I’ve seen it. It had bee...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This last weekend was really fun. I got the opportunity to go to the 2010 Tri-Cities Wine Festival held at t...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
I think that creativity and ideas are everywhere for us, we just have to tap into them. It also seems that it is easy to come up with ideas about things to s...
Other then the job hunt, I’ve been spending some time online working on my website. Well, actually (not consistently) for the last several weeks I’ve been tr...
A photoshoped designed logo for my job search. As I’ve been back in the US, I’ve been looking for a job. I feel kind of like Elmer Fudd and never finding my...
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
Five Years.
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Marko Calasan: Mini Mozart of Computers is a story about an eight year old kid who has become the worlds youngest IT Professional. He passed the Microsoft Ce...
Have you ever heard numbers, and wondered really what they mean. People say that they will be there or do something in a second, for things that are to be do...
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
Ready to Roll
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
I taught myself xHTML, CSS several years ago. Since then I have learned some PHP and JavaScript, VisualBasic, and C++. The newest thing that I have been work...
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
The pizza tracking page on Domino’s
One of the benefits of working in the afternoon is that I have time to take my mornings slowly. I tend to sit outside and and drink a cup of coffee and read ...
I must say that I am slightly biased as to which online products I like for various activities. I recently came across Google 2008 U.S. Elections. This has m...
How I left my room prior to going to Europe.
I get off work in an hour and a half. In two hours I leave to take a 7.5 hour bus ride to Seattle. In one day I leave from Seattle and fly to Europe. The fir...
I think all of these overnights that I’m working is catching up with me. A couple of nights ago, I worked an overnight and then had stuff I had to do all mor...
A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.
A photo of the repair box
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
I had aspirations of becoming a dance instructor for quite a while. During my Fall Quarter 2006 I had a friend who was taking a dance class at Eastern. I wen...
I just bought this new domain… and am pretty excited about it. I expect to see this blog plus change very drastically in the near future. ...
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
Line description
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
Yes, I have the Travel Bug. A graphic I quickly put together in Adobe Illustrator depicting the words “Travel Bug” and some other graphics taken from All Fr...
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
The Late Birthday Present
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Some background
With the worldwide, national, state, and local economies facing an economic downturn, it is important to examine its effects on social service agencies and s...
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
Ready to Roll
This Cartoon was taken from the blog Good Deed A Day . It features a Lost and Found Booth with boxes of various human feelings. While on my trip I didn’t lo...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
So you can expect to not have me uploading more pictures for a while. Currently my computer is broken. I don’t know if it is from stuffing my computer bag in...
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A bit of blur, Prague
As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depo...
A photo of a sign that say’s “L’ Ost in Paradise” taken in Berlin Germany
Passport to the world. A photo of my USA Passport that I took while I was sitting in the airport getting ready to leave for Europe.
How I left my room prior to going to Europe.
I get off work in an hour and a half. In two hours I leave to take a 7.5 hour bus ride to Seattle. In one day I leave from Seattle and fly to Europe. The fir...
Five Years.
The needs of the many verses the one. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, but I’m attaching the Adobe Photoshop file, because I can’t find the original Illustra...
Street Lights
With the worldwide, national, state, and local economies facing an economic downturn, it is important to examine its effects on social service agencies and s...
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
Marko Calasan: Mini Mozart of Computers is a story about an eight year old kid who has become the worlds youngest IT Professional. He passed the Microsoft Ce...
No Matter How Loud I Shout by Edward Humes is a powerful book about Juveniles in the Juvenile Justice System. You can find a copy of No Matter How Loud I Sh...
Have you ever heard numbers, and wondered really what they mean. People say that they will be there or do something in a second, for things that are to be do...
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
Ready to Roll
My Snow Covered Car
I’m not exactly sure if it’s information overload, but getting off work tonight I felt like my brain was going to explode. I woke up this morning to go to a ...
A stock photo of breakfast.
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
I taught myself xHTML, CSS several years ago. Since then I have learned some PHP and JavaScript, VisualBasic, and C++. The newest thing that I have been work...
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
The pizza tracking page on Domino’s
One of the benefits of working in the afternoon is that I have time to take my mornings slowly. I tend to sit outside and and drink a cup of coffee and read ...
I must say that I am slightly biased as to which online products I like for various activities. I recently came across Google 2008 U.S. Elections. This has m...
This Cartoon was taken from the blog Good Deed A Day . It features a Lost and Found Booth with boxes of various human feelings. While on my trip I didn’t lo...
I get off work in an hour and a half. In two hours I leave to take a 7.5 hour bus ride to Seattle. In one day I leave from Seattle and fly to Europe. The fir...
Since purchasing this domain name, and transferring all of it to here I have been going to though and giving the entire site a brief overhaul. I’ve had relat...
I think all of these overnights that I’m working is catching up with me. A couple of nights ago, I worked an overnight and then had stuff I had to do all mor...
A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.
A photo of the repair box
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
I had aspirations of becoming a dance instructor for quite a while. During my Fall Quarter 2006 I had a friend who was taking a dance class at Eastern. I wen...
I just bought this new domain… and am pretty excited about it. I expect to see this blog plus change very drastically in the near future. ...
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
Job Well Done
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This last weekend was really fun. I got the opportunity to go to the 2010 Tri-Cities Wine Festival held at t...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
Other then the job hunt, I’ve been spending some time online working on my website. Well, actually (not consistently) for the last several weeks I’ve been tr...
A photoshoped designed logo for my job search. As I’ve been back in the US, I’ve been looking for a job. I feel kind of like Elmer Fudd and never finding my...
The needs of the many verses the one. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, but I’m attaching the Adobe Photoshop file, because I can’t find the original Illustra...
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
My Snow Covered Car
I think all of these overnights that I’m working is catching up with me. A couple of nights ago, I worked an overnight and then had stuff I had to do all mor...
A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.
I’ve been playing around with moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I wanted to create a shared form to collect other social workers’ user information, to help in...
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
Mateo the Old Man: DIY Old Man Halloween Costume
It’s The Great Pumpkin Mateo Campbell
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
The Late Birthday Present
More from Venezuela
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Some background
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A photo of a sign that say’s “L’ Ost in Paradise” taken in Berlin Germany
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
Mateo the Old Man: DIY Old Man Halloween Costume
It’s The Great Pumpkin Mateo Campbell
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
The Late Birthday Present
More from Venezuela
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Some background
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A photo of a sign that say’s “L’ Ost in Paradise” taken in Berlin Germany
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
The Late Birthday Present
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Some background
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
A photo of my finished giant growth chart DIY project complete with some photos of Mateo pasted on it.
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
The Late Birthday Present
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
Some background
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
Line description
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
The ritual of going to the beach every year is a good thing that makes my heart feel kind of amazing.
A stop motion film that I made for my mom with my kids as an activity during quarantine.
Another short video filmed in February of 2019 playing in the snow.
A short video of going sledding with some of my kids last year (2019).
A short video and some photos from a recent short adventure floating down the river.
It feels like Spring is finally hear. We went to the Duck Pond at Columbia Park and fed the Ducks.
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
It’s The Great Pumpkin Mateo Campbell
With the worldwide, national, state, and local economies facing an economic downturn, it is important to examine its effects on social service agencies and s...
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
I’ve been working really hard to create something and I wanted to share it with people.
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
Link post for episode of the Mother Dearest Show
This Cartoon was taken from the blog Good Deed A Day . It features a Lost and Found Booth with boxes of various human feelings. While on my trip I didn’t lo...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
All Roads Lead to Rome
So you can expect to not have me uploading more pictures for a while. Currently my computer is broken. I don’t know if it is from stuffing my computer bag in...
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A bit of blur, Prague
As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depo...
A photo of a sign that say’s “L’ Ost in Paradise” taken in Berlin Germany
Passport to the world. A photo of my USA Passport that I took while I was sitting in the airport getting ready to leave for Europe.
How I left my room prior to going to Europe.
I get off work in an hour and a half. In two hours I leave to take a 7.5 hour bus ride to Seattle. In one day I leave from Seattle and fly to Europe. The fir...
A short book review of Zolli and Healy (2012) Resilience: Why things bounce back
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
An update about some of current habits and my latest audio book series I just finished listening to, the Red Queen
All of the areas that privilege seems to be coming up in my life these days.
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
With the hard drive on my MacBook Pro out of commission, and that over the last year I’ve completely changed how I manage data storage, I figured it was time...
Overview of the Book
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
No Matter How Loud I Shout by Edward Humes is a powerful book about Juveniles in the Juvenile Justice System. You can find a copy of No Matter How Loud I Sh...
Line description
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
Yes, I have the Travel Bug. A graphic I quickly put together in Adobe Illustrator depicting the words “Travel Bug” and some other graphics taken from All Fr...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
This Cartoon was taken from the blog Good Deed A Day . It features a Lost and Found Booth with boxes of various human feelings. While on my trip I didn’t lo...
So you can expect to not have me uploading more pictures for a while. Currently my computer is broken. I don’t know if it is from stuffing my computer bag in...
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
A photoshoped designed logo for my job search. As I’ve been back in the US, I’ve been looking for a job. I feel kind of like Elmer Fudd and never finding my...
Learn how to prioritize what type of source to use in academic writing.
A remembrance video for my concuñada Patricia del Villar Martinez
A short documentary-style interview with my kids looking at how they envision a more sustainable world.
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
Have you wondered what implementing a strengths perspective is and how it works. How is using a strengths-based approach different to more conventional appro...
Another short video filmed in February of 2019 playing in the snow.
A short video of going sledding with some of my kids last year (2019).
A short video and some photos from a recent short adventure floating down the river.
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
Mateo has been growing super fast over the last year. I put together a video showing his growth over the last year in iPhoto. I looked at a bunch of differen...
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
I’ve been playing around with moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I wanted to create a shared form to collect other social workers’ user information, to help in...
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
A photo of the repair box
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
Five Years.
The needs of the many verses the one. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, but I’m attaching the Adobe Photoshop file, because I can’t find the original Illustra...
Street Lights
Marko Calasan: Mini Mozart of Computers is a story about an eight year old kid who has become the worlds youngest IT Professional. He passed the Microsoft Ce...
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
The start of a book review on Fox’s Creativity, but more of a dive into my history in faith and my current standing.
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Ready to Roll
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
One of the benefits of working in the afternoon is that I have time to take my mornings slowly. I tend to sit outside and and drink a cup of coffee and read ...
I must say that I am slightly biased as to which online products I like for various activities. I recently came across Google 2008 U.S. Elections. This has m...
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
Overview of the Book
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
I was doing a Google Image Search, how any of my good Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator design projects start. I’m writing an post for my blog, Servi...
Official Birth Announcement
A photo of Minnie at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland and our baby Mateo Rodman Campbell, VSP.
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
The head section of our 2011 Christmas Newsletter.
No Matter How Loud I Shout by Edward Humes is a powerful book about Juveniles in the Juvenile Justice System. You can find a copy of No Matter How Loud I Sh...
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
My Snow Covered Car
I’m not exactly sure if it’s information overload, but getting off work tonight I felt like my brain was going to explode. I woke up this morning to go to a ...
A stock photo of breakfast.
I had aspirations of becoming a dance instructor for quite a while. During my Fall Quarter 2006 I had a friend who was taking a dance class at Eastern. I wen...
More from Venezuela
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
All Roads Lead to Rome
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depo...
How I left my room prior to going to Europe.
My mom got an award named after her, such a awesome thing!
I was doing a Google Image Search, how any of my good Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator design projects start. I’m writing an post for my blog, Servi...
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
On Friday, I got the opportunity to go to Safe Harbor’s annual Beggars Banquet. It was a really great event, and so much bigger then I’ve seen it. It had bee...
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
A little bit of background and my experience around Guiding Good Choices and the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14.
All of the areas that privilege seems to be coming up in my life these days.
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
With the hard drive on my MacBook Pro out of commission, and that over the last year I’ve completely changed how I manage data storage, I figured it was time...
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
I have been been doing graphic and web design stuff for the last several years. It all started with an original blogspot website . My friends all started pos...
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
Other then the job hunt, I’ve been spending some time online working on my website. Well, actually (not consistently) for the last several weeks I’ve been tr...
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
I taught myself xHTML, CSS several years ago. Since then I have learned some PHP and JavaScript, VisualBasic, and C++. The newest thing that I have been work...
Since purchasing this domain name, and transferring all of it to here I have been going to though and giving the entire site a brief overhaul. I’ve had relat...
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
Ready to Roll
All Roads Lead to Rome
Bratislava… just passing though
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depo...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
The Late Birthday Present
It might not be the best idea to always do the extra, but is it worth it?
SOA style Happy Birthday Graphic for Minnie
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
A stock photo of breakfast.
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
On Friday, I got the opportunity to go to Safe Harbor’s annual Beggars Banquet. It was a really great event, and so much bigger then I’ve seen it. It had bee...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This last weekend was really fun. I got the opportunity to go to the 2010 Tri-Cities Wine Festival held at t...
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.
Mateo the Old Man: DIY Old Man Halloween Costume
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
More from Venezuela
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
With the hard drive on my MacBook Pro out of commission, and that over the last year I’ve completely changed how I manage data storage, I figured it was time...
I mainly am making a Christmas wish list on here for my family, so that they can see some of the things I would be happy to receive for Christmas. I am by no...
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
I posted an essay about creative inquiry and this post describes what creative inquiry is and links to it.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Five Years.
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
This presentation is the slides used during my doctoral defense at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in the Transformative Studies Departme...
The start of a book review on Fox’s Creativity, but more of a dive into my history in faith and my current standing.
An infographic that I created reviewing some of the Barron, Montuori, and Barron’s book Creators on Creating
I posted an essay about creative inquiry and this post describes what creative inquiry is and links to it.
Picking a good research topic is challenging and important task that students, social workers, and teachers have to do. How do we go figuring out what we sho...
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
Some background
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
I had aspirations of becoming a dance instructor for quite a while. During my Fall Quarter 2006 I had a friend who was taking a dance class at Eastern. I wen...
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
My Snow Covered Car
A stock photo of breakfast.
A photo of the overnight chair at the CRC. This is where I spend my hours at all night long.
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
Some background
Los Niños de PPA
All Roads Lead to Rome
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
I mainly am making a Christmas wish list on here for my family, so that they can see some of the things I would be happy to receive for Christmas. I am by no...
Made in the Diptic App on my mac. Wintertime DIY Painted Mirror
This is a photo that I took from the alley way. I found out a couple of weeks after that this sign was still up after somebody rang out doorbell wanting to ...
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
The head section of our 2011 Christmas Newsletter.
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
Ready to Roll
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
Official Birth Announcement
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
It might not be the best idea to always do the extra, but is it worth it?
I had the privilege of contributing an article to Heritage University’s inaugural newsletter for Fall 2024! The whole issue is packed with warm messages, hig...
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
More from Venezuela
It seems like a lot of parts of my life are just like the blackberry bush picture, not quite ripe yet. I feel like I have had a lot of different things in my...
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
All Roads Lead to Rome
Bratislava… just passing though
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
All Roads Lead to Rome
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
Have you ever heard numbers, and wondered really what they mean. People say that they will be there or do something in a second, for things that are to be do...
I must say that I am slightly biased as to which online products I like for various activities. I recently came across Google 2008 U.S. Elections. This has m...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Ready to Roll
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
I must say that I am slightly biased as to which online products I like for various activities. I recently came across Google 2008 U.S. Elections. This has m...
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
Job Well Done
I’m not exactly sure if it’s information overload, but getting off work tonight I felt like my brain was going to explode. I woke up this morning to go to a ...
SOA style Happy Birthday Graphic for Minnie
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
The needs of the many verses the one. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, but I’m attaching the Adobe Photoshop file, because I can’t find the original Illustra...
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
While traveling sometimes, it seems like I might spend too much time on my computer. Especially because I am a bit of a perfectionist, I take quite a bit of ...
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
Jacob Campbell and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Very quickly photo shopped image of Indaina Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster with my face.
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
On Friday, I got the opportunity to go to Safe Harbor’s annual Beggars Banquet. It was a really great event, and so much bigger then I’ve seen it. It had bee...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This last weekend was really fun. I got the opportunity to go to the 2010 Tri-Cities Wine Festival held at t...
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
I was doing a Google Image Search, how any of my good Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator design projects start. I’m writing an post for my blog, Servi...
Come along as we live out this conversation … there are many obstacles—so much suffering, poverty and violence. But our God is familiar with suffering. Ou...
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
This is a photo that I took of one of the toy’s that Mateo always throws on the ground while Minnie and I are sitting at the table and eating dinner.
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
Made in the Diptic App on my mac. Wintertime DIY Painted Mirror
A photo of my finished giant growth chart DIY project complete with some photos of Mateo pasted on it.
This is a photo that I took from the alley way. I found out a couple of weeks after that this sign was still up after somebody rang out doorbell wanting to ...
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
I mainly am making a Christmas wish list on here for my family, so that they can see some of the things I would be happy to receive for Christmas. I am by no...
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
Social workers all wear a number of different hats, or function in a number of different roles for their practice. In this video we talk about 15 different r...
Mutual Aid groups are useful for all different types of needs, includes families of youth who have special needs.
A look into how to address Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the perspectives of clinicians, parents, and schools.
Story about releasing our pet turtle.
A stop motion film that I made for my mom with my kids as an activity during quarantine.
Picking a good research topic is challenging and important task that students, social workers, and teachers have to do. How do we go figuring out what we sho...
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A bit of blur, Prague
As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depo...
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
A stock photo of breakfast.
Learn how to prioritize what type of source to use in academic writing.
Two other group members and myself have been working tirelessly on a research project. We are doing an effectiveness study of the Crisis Residential Center’s...
I’m not exactly sure if it’s information overload, but getting off work tonight I felt like my brain was going to explode. I woke up this morning to go to a ...
I posted an essay about creative inquiry and this post describes what creative inquiry is and links to it.
All of the areas that privilege seems to be coming up in my life these days.
No Matter How Loud I Shout by Edward Humes is a powerful book about Juveniles in the Juvenile Justice System. You can find a copy of No Matter How Loud I Sh...
Los Niños de PPA
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
With the worldwide, national, state, and local economies facing an economic downturn, it is important to examine its effects on social service agencies and s...
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event.
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of...
Learn how to prioritize what type of source to use in academic writing.
I posted an essay about creative inquiry and this post describes what creative inquiry is and links to it.
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
This is the first DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’ve done for my blog. As I’ve been moving towards home ownership, I’ve been enamored by Pinterest and all of ...
Official Birth Announcement
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
A graphic I created in Adobe Illustrator depicting a vegetables, a salad bowl, and the text “word salad.” The veggies used are from All Free Download’s Sala...
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
The view of the Expo Hall at Macworld / iWorld coming down from the elevator at Monscone Center in San Francisco .
Yes, I have the Travel Bug. A graphic I quickly put together in Adobe Illustrator depicting the words “Travel Bug” and some other graphics taken from All Fr...
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
Learn how to prioritize what type of source to use in academic writing.
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
I’m defending my dissertation
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
I’ve been working really hard to create something and I wanted to share it with people.
Another great Pixar movie that made me think, so sharing some connections with the topic of flow.
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
Yes, I have the Travel Bug. A graphic I quickly put together in Adobe Illustrator depicting the words “Travel Bug” and some other graphics taken from All Fr...
How I left my room prior to going to Europe.
A photo of a sign that say’s “L’ Ost in Paradise” taken in Berlin Germany
Passport to the world. A photo of my USA Passport that I took while I was sitting in the airport getting ready to leave for Europe.
A cool cup of water.
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
Bratislava… just passing though
A cool cup of water.
All Roads Lead to Rome
So you can expect to not have me uploading more pictures for a while. Currently my computer is broken. I don’t know if it is from stuffing my computer bag in...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
One of the benefits of working in the afternoon is that I have time to take my mornings slowly. I tend to sit outside and and drink a cup of coffee and read ...
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
Have you ever heard numbers, and wondered really what they mean. People say that they will be there or do something in a second, for things that are to be do...
I taught myself xHTML, CSS several years ago. Since then I have learned some PHP and JavaScript, VisualBasic, and C++. The newest thing that I have been work...
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
A stock photo of breakfast.
Marko Calasan: Mini Mozart of Computers is a story about an eight year old kid who has become the worlds youngest IT Professional. He passed the Microsoft Ce...
My Snow Covered Car
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
Los Niños de PPA
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
More from Venezuela
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
Some background
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
More from Venezuela
Yacht Trips, All Inclusive Hotels, Two Day Birthday Celebrations, and Leaving
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
The “you are here” sign for Astoria Oregon’s Column.
More from Venezuela
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
More from Venezuela
The Late Birthday Present
More from Venezuela
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
More from Venezuela
My son, Mateo, at my mom’s for the 4th of July after playing in the sprinklers.
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
The Late Birthday Present
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
The Late Birthday Present
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
You’ve heard of Teacher’s Striking But Never Students
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
A photo of my finished giant growth chart DIY project complete with some photos of Mateo pasted on it.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking ...
A graphic I designed in Adobe Photoshop of the “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” showing that I’m broke while here in Vegas.
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manag...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
We sent out paper versions, but because printing is expensive we only sent it to some people. Sorry. If you want to be added to our mailing list, send a comm...
The Best Christmas Light in the Tri-Cities
Overview of the Book
Arnold Bennett’s book cover of Mental Efficiency
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop as a graphic thinking about all of the debate regarding mental health treatment and the gun control.
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
I’ve been playing around with moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I wanted to create a shared form to collect other social workers’ user information, to help in...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
I’ve been working really hard to create something and I wanted to share it with people.
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
SOA style Happy Birthday Graphic for Minnie
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
Line description
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
A little bit of background and my experience around Guiding Good Choices and the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14.
One evidence-based method for addressing difficult and disruptive behaviors whether at school or home is through reinforcing the behaviors that we want to se...
It might not be the best idea to always do the extra, but is it worth it?
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
Another short video filmed in February of 2019 playing in the snow.
A short video of going sledding with some of my kids last year (2019).
A short documentary-style interview with my kids looking at how they envision a more sustainable world.
Story about releasing our pet turtle.
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
The ritual of going to the beach every year is a good thing that makes my heart feel kind of amazing.
I am proud to announce that I have earned my Ph.D., and I wanted to share with everybody more information about it.
This presentation is the slides used during my doctoral defense at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in the Transformative Studies Departme...
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
I think all of these overnights that I’m working is catching up with me. A couple of nights ago, I worked an overnight and then had stuff I had to do all mor...
A bit of blur, Prague
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
Great Beer from Hofbräuhaus. The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The brewery own...
A cool cup of water.
All Roads Lead to Rome
All Roads Lead to Rome
All Roads Lead to Rome
All Roads Lead to Rome
Tonight I sat around the hostel most of the night. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is a stupid thing to have happen when your traveling. After eat...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Currently I am sitting in the Airport at Heathrow in London… and absolutely huge airport. But to catch you up on events, I have about 18 minutes until it’s t...
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
Fervent Fall Retreat at Camp Tshimakain, Ford WA
A screenshot of the Victory Faith Fellowship of a collage of photos regarding their new church facility.
My yard in Spokane all snowy.
Ready to Roll
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. – George Washington Ca...
Have you ever heard numbers, and wondered really what they mean. People say that they will be there or do something in a second, for things that are to be do...
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Los Niños de PPA
Street Lights
Some background
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
This is a photo is from my missions trip to Africa. We went for a speak at a church in Goma . It was kind of intense, there apparently was fighting going on...
More from Venezuela
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve uploaded a couple of different photo albums. You can check out Oi… its Brazil Facebook Album, Kite Running and L...
The Late Birthday Present
The Late Birthday Present
The Late Birthday Present
The Late Birthday Present
The Late Birthday Present
The Late Birthday Present
A graphic I created in Adobe Photoshop with the hallelujah in different languages.
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
View of the Carroza de Plata with the Templo de Merced in the background
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
It seems I only write when there is crazy stuff happening in my life… please don’t think that my life is so full of these crazy experiences.
I think that creativity and ideas are everywhere for us, we just have to tap into them. It also seems that it is easy to come up with ideas about things to s...
I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I gene...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
This is a screen shot of the Walk Score for my mom’s house. It’s pretty interesting. It comes up with a score of 30, and being car dependent. I would have t...
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
The book cover of Chris The book cover of Chris Hodges’s Death of the Liberal Class. You can view the book on Amazon.
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Beggars’ 2011 was a wonderful event this year. Every year they have a large selection of Christmas Trees as silent auction items....
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
I have been making a determined effort as of late, to push myself to read more. I try to spend some time in the morning reading my devotional (My Utmost for ...
The head section of our 2011 Christmas Newsletter.
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
Not a monster. A graphic I took as a coloring page . I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a paint area and painted it.
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Dis...
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Cover. You can read Developing Strengths, Tim Roth’s Strengths Finder 2.0 Review.
Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery is putting on an event, My Friends Place Presents: Will Work For Food. I’m really excited. I started wanting to put on this eve...
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
Yesterday, I was listening to an article on NPR’s Planet Money Even If You’re All-Powerful, It’s Hard To Fix The Economy.The article was all about how diffic...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
A photo taken by Ami while were both still living down in Cusco Peru during my travel experience of my Jaunt Down South 2010 . It showcases how during the...
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
Recently at work, I created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a training I did during one of our staff meetings. It is about affecting environmental ch...
Are mental health case managers like bounty hunters? It is a question in I ask in my blog post Similarities of Bounty Hunters and Mental Health Case Manage...
A photo of Minnie at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland and our baby Mateo Rodman Campbell, VSP.
Official Birth Announcement
Official Birth Announcement
I was doing a Google Image Search, how any of my good Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator design projects start. I’m writing an post for my blog, Servi...
I was doing a Google Image Search, how any of my good Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator design projects start. I’m writing an post for my blog, Servi...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
I’ve always been a little bit of a geek. That’s actually a little bit of why I’ve created this website in the first place… so that I could show off my geekyn...
Overview of the Book
Overview of the Book
Overview of the Book
Overview of the Book
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
A Header Image I created for my blog article about my playing with automator & AppleScript
This last week has been incredibly busy for me, but it’s also been very good. On Tuesday I had two major speaking activities to prepare for. At work, Tri-Cit...
Mateo has been growing super fast over the last year. I put together a video showing his growth over the last year in iPhoto. I looked at a bunch of differen...
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
A while ago, I was doing quite a few poster designs for Natural Selection CrossFit (Facebook). I do really doing graphic design projects, although lately I f...
Graphic of the dictionary definition of typography.
Disney World Magic Kingdom Entrance Sign to Lake Buena Vista Hotels
Using Keyboard Maestro to get stuff done on my computer.
A look into how to address Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the perspectives of clinicians, parents, and schools.
A look into how to address Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the perspectives of clinicians, parents, and schools.
One evidence-based method for addressing difficult and disruptive behaviors whether at school or home is through reinforcing the behaviors that we want to se...
One evidence-based method for addressing difficult and disruptive behaviors whether at school or home is through reinforcing the behaviors that we want to se...
Mutual Aid groups are useful for all different types of needs, includes families of youth who have special needs.
Mutual Aid groups are useful for all different types of needs, includes families of youth who have special needs.
Social workers all wear a number of different hats, or function in a number of different roles for their practice. In this video we talk about 15 different r...
It feels like Spring is finally hear. We went to the Duck Pond at Columbia Park and fed the Ducks.
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
Video and photos from family vacation to Leavenworth Washington.
An update about some of current habits and my latest audio book series I just finished listening to, the Red Queen
A short video and some photos from a recent short adventure floating down the river.
A life update about going back to college and a bit of a book review on the New Republic of the Heart
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
A look into some of the ways I put everything into place, as I am preparing for the classes I teach at University.
Picking a good research topic is challenging and important task that students, social workers, and teachers have to do. How do we go figuring out what we sho...
An infographic that I created reviewing some of the Barron, Montuori, and Barron’s book Creators on Creating
An infographic that I created reviewing some of the Barron, Montuori, and Barron’s book Creators on Creating
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
Tracking trainings, CEUs, and our professional development is a vital task for clinicians who are licensed. The following post is about how I am creating an...
A short book review of Zolli and Healy (2012) Resilience: Why things bounce back
Have you wondered what implementing a strengths perspective is and how it works. How is using a strengths-based approach different to more conventional appro...
A stop motion film that I made for my mom with my kids as an activity during quarantine.
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Transdisciplinary literature reviews are complex and necessarily require reviewing a large amount of scholarly materials from various disciplines. Zotero can...
Some creative writing using the last 27’s words of the day from the Look Up app to talk about the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Some creative writing using the last 27’s words of the day from the Look Up app to talk about the current COVID-19 pandemic.
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
A creative encouragement for people to be cooperative through these difficult times
Story about releasing our pet turtle.
The ritual of going to the beach every year is a good thing that makes my heart feel kind of amazing.
The ritual of going to the beach every year is a good thing that makes my heart feel kind of amazing.
Another great Pixar movie that made me think, so sharing some connections with the topic of flow.
Another great Pixar movie that made me think, so sharing some connections with the topic of flow.
Another great Pixar movie that made me think, so sharing some connections with the topic of flow.
Medication can help us to make it through really challenging situations
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
This year has hit me a little like hurricane. I’m glad to have made it throught the eyewall of the storm and I am ready for some summer.
Line description
Line description
I’m defending my dissertation
I’m defending my dissertation
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
We’ve made it through the first leg of our family road trip.
Our family road trip continues from Crescent City, to San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
My mom got an award named after her, such a awesome thing!
I had the privilege of contributing an article to Heritage University’s inaugural newsletter for Fall 2024! The whole issue is packed with warm messages, hig...
Social Work
The A in ADEI: Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Permalink
2 minute read
I had the privilege of contributing an article to Heritage University’s inaugural newsletter for Fall 2024! The whole issue is packed with warm messages, hig...
Using AI to Create a Form: ChatGPT and My Move to Mastodon
9 minute read
I’ve been playing around with moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I wanted to create a shared form to collect other social workers’ user information, to help in...
Challenges in Starting Psychiatric Medications
3 minute read
Medication can help us to make it through really challenging situations
Strengths-Based Engagement with Families [YouTube Video]
1 minute read
Have you wondered what implementing a strengths perspective is and how it works. How is using a strengths-based approach different to more conventional appro...
Building in Evidence-based Practices to our Parenting
1 minute read
A little bit of background and my experience around Guiding Good Choices and the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14.
Presentation at OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
1 minute read
Information from conference presentation for OSPI’s 2019 Student Support Conference - Better Together: Collaboration, Coordination, and Compassion
The 15 Hats (ahem, Roles) of Social Workers
less than 1 minute read
Social workers all wear a number of different hats, or function in a number of different roles for their practice. In this video we talk about 15 different r...
Mutual Aid Model and Children with Special Needs
less than 1 minute read
Mutual Aid groups are useful for all different types of needs, includes families of youth who have special needs.
Changing Problematic Behaviors, Principles of Operant Conditioning
less than 1 minute read
One evidence-based method for addressing difficult and disruptive behaviors whether at school or home is through reinforcing the behaviors that we want to se...
ADHD Information for Practitioners, Parents, and Schools
less than 1 minute read
A look into how to address Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the perspectives of clinicians, parents, and schools.
Working with Vulnerable Populations, a Rationale for Social Work Policy Practice
less than 1 minute read
Probably Time to Eat My Wheaties
2 minute read
One of Michael Jordan’s boxes of Wheaties.
Ever Wonder How You Can Play Video Games and Get Paid
less than 1 minute read
Jump in The Stream, Favorite Podcasts
5 minute read
A photo of me when I was going to Columbia Basin College doing a back flip into the Columbia River in Richland.
2012 Have a Heart for Kids Day
2 minute read
Writing Letters to my Representatives during Children’s Alliances’ Have a Heart for Kids Day.
Jacob’s (in)credible Adventures
5 minute read
Weighing the Balance
1 minute read
The needs of the many verses the one. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, but I’m attaching the Adobe Photoshop file, because I can’t find the original Illustra...
Abject Poverty, Orphanages, and Cuban Cigars
3 minute read
Los Niños de PPA
Peru Dias Tres y Cuatro
2 minute read
An artistic photo of The sidewalk in Parque Amor in Peru at Sunset.
The First Glimpse of Lima
4 minute read
The Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas of Lima, is the birthplace of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, i...
Cultural Awareness
2 minute read
Sign Inside of Zola’s .
Working with Diverse Populations - Juvenile’s Involved in the Justice System
1 minute read
No Matter How Loud I Shout by Edward Humes is a powerful book about Juveniles in the Juvenile Justice System. You can find a copy of No Matter How Loud I Sh...
Soldiering for Social Work
3 minute read
My Snow Covered Car
Information Overload
2 minute read
I’m not exactly sure if it’s information overload, but getting off work tonight I felt like my brain was going to explode. I woke up this morning to go to a ...
Legislative Breakfast
2 minute read
A stock photo of breakfast.